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50 flight attendant interview questions to evaluate applicants’ skills

Top 25 flight attendant interview questions to hire the most skilled candidates featured image

Below, you’ll find our selection of the best 25 interview questions for flight attendants to evaluate applicants’ skills and preparedness for the role. Some of them are suitable for those who have no prior experience in the industry, while others are for more experienced flight attendants.

You’ll also find our guidelines on what to expect from applicants’ responses, helping you evaluate them quickly and accurately.

1. What motivated you to become a flight attendant?

Understanding a candidate’s motivation helps gauge their passion and commitment to the role.

Look for candidates who truly understand the values and demands of the job. Do they love to travel? Are they at ease helping people? Are they passionate about the industry? Do they enjoy the challenge of a dynamic work environment?

Use a Motivation test to gain a deeper understanding of what motivates candidates and whether their expectations align with what you can offer. 

2. What do you like about our airline?

Look for candidates who have done their homework and know your airline's history and key achievements. 

Are they able to mention specific initiatives or features that make you stand out? Do they know what your company’s mission and vision are? Are they aware of the destinations you serve?

3. How do you handle stress on the job?

The ability to manage stress is key for any flight attendant, because they need to maintain their composure at all times. 

Make sure candidates can provide specific examples of stressful situations they’ve handled in the past and explain the specific strategies they used, be it to ask for help from others, prioritize tasks, make mental checklists, or even use mindfulness techniques. 

4. What languages do you speak?

Language skills are particularly valuable for flight attendants, especially on international flights. 

Candidates should list the languages they speak, explain when they’ve last used each language more intensively, and be ready to discuss the certifications and diplomas they have. However, the best way to assess someone’s language skills during your hiring process is to use language tests, rather than count on applicants’ self-assessment or even their diplomas; after all, language proficiency declines with time. 

With TestGorilla, you can test candidates’ skills in many different languages and at different levels. We have tests ranging from Norwegian (B1), German (B2) to Japanese (C1) and Spanish (C2) – and many more. 

4. Describe your previous customer-service experience.

Even if applicants have no prior experience as flight attendants, experience in customer-facing roles is always a plus. 

Ask for details about the responsibilities they've had in past customer-service roles. What challenges did they face and how did they overcome them? Have they been promoted? What are some of the strategies they use to deal with difficult customers? 

Use our Customer Experience test to evaluate applicants’ ability to interact with customers, meet their needs, and provide alternative solutions to their problems.

5. What do you think are the essential qualities of a flight attendant?

Use this question to assess a candidate’s understanding of their role and its challenges.

Look for answers that touch on key customer-service qualities such as empathy, patience, positivity, communication skills, and professionalism. In addition to that, a strong understanding of safety and security requirements is key.

This illustrates their readiness for the job’s social and operational demands. 

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Candidates should be prepared to discuss their strengths with confidence and talk about their weaknesses with openness and integrity, beyond the clichéd “perfectionism”. 

But, more importantly, how do they compensate for their flaws? Do they have a plan to address them in the future? 

7. How do you manage time during a fully booked flight with lots of passenger requests?

This question is for candidates who already have experience in the role. They’ll know the importance of excellent time management skills during high-demand flights and will be able to explain how they organize their work. 

Do they use specific methods to handle multiple passenger requests efficiently? What techniques have they learned that help them stay organized and responsive? How do they ensure a positive passenger experience even under pressure?

8. What experience do you have in handling emergency situations?

Again, this question is for more experienced candidates who have already needed to deal with emergency situations. 

Look for candidates who can describe specific incidents where they've prioritized passenger safety successfully. How did they react? What procedures did they follow? Did they ask for help from other team members or the captain? 

9. What would you do if a passenger refuses to comply with flight regulations?

Look for candidates who can deal with difficult passengers calmly and assertively, using the right de-escalation techniques and maintaining their professionalism. 

Handling non-compliance swiftly and efficiently is key to maintaining safety and ensuring other passengers have a pleasant experience. 

For a more in-depth assessment of candidates’ conflict-resolution skills, use our behavioral questions or Communication test.

10. How do you ensure passenger comfort and satisfaction?

Every applicant should understand the importance of providing stellar customer service, but do they know how to provide it? 

Encourage candidates to talk about specific strategies they use to improve passenger comfort. Do they check in regularly with passengers to provide updates and see if anyone needs anything extra? Do they have an eye for passengers in distress who might be afraid of flying? Do they know how to proactively assist parents who are traveling with toddlers?

11. What would you do if a passenger had a medical emergency?

Responding correctly to medical emergencies can be life-saving. The best candidates will know how to: 

  • Assess the situation

  • Provide first aid

  • Communicate swiftly with the rest of the team and the pilot

  • Request additional medical help if necessary

If candidates already have CPR training, this is a plus. 


12. How would you handle a complaint from a passenger?

Look for candidates who know how to: 

  • Listen actively

  • Show empathy and understanding

  • Identify the core issue

  • Find a solution that addresses the problem

Can they give examples of turning a negative situation into a positive one? This ability is crucial for upholding the airline's reputation.

For more insight, use our Problem Solving test.

13. How do you communicate with passengers who don’t speak English?

Effective communication across language barriers is important on international flights.

Candidates should describe methods they use to communicate with non-English-speaking passengers, such as using simple English, non-verbal cues, translation apps, or help from a team member. The best applicants will know key phrases in other languages or show a willingness to learn a few.

14. What would you do if you noticed another crew member was intoxicated on duty?

Dealing with such issues among crew members professionally is crucial for the safety of all passengers and the team. In this situation, candidates should adhere to specific airline protocols and quickly notify their supervisor. 

15. How would you manage a situation where two passengers are arguing loudly?

Ensuring a pleasant flight for everyone is one of the key responsibilities of flight attendants – and that might sometimes include managing conflict between passengers.

Look for candidates who know how to intervene and de-escalate conflict quickly and effectively. Are they able to show empathy and find an agreeable solution for everyone involved? Can they mediate between passengers without adding to the tension? What specific approaches would they use to restore peace? 

16. What would you do if you were the first to notice smoke in the lavatory?

Prompt action is crucial when noticing signs of smoke on a flight.

Candidates should explain the immediate steps they’d take, such as:

  • Inform the cockpit

  • Assess whether there’s a fire or whether someone was smoking in the lavatory

  • Use fire extinguishers if necessary

  • Follow emergency protocols to ensure passenger safety

  • Keep calm and manage passenger reactions

Answers to this question help you evaluate whether candidates are able to handle potentially dangerous situations efficiently.

17. How would you handle a situation where a passenger tries to enter the cockpit?

Maintaining the security of the cockpit is essential on any flight. Do candidates understand the importance of keeping the cockpit secure and the crew alerted? This response is key to assessing their ability to enforce strict security measures.

Experienced flight attendants will be able to explain the procedure they’d follow, such as deterring the passenger, restraining them if needed, and communicating with the captain. 

18. What steps would you take if you suspected a security threat on board?

Candidates should explain how they’d swiftly notify the captain and follow the established security protocols of the airline. 

They should also remain calm to avoid alarming other passengers, while ensuring that they take all safety precautions in coordination with the team.

19. What do you do if you see a team member struggling during a flight?

Supporting all team members of the crew is key for a smooth flight – any flight attendant needs to be a great team player to be successful in their role.

Encourage candidates to discuss how they would offer help, possibly taking on some of their coworker’s duties temporarily or going through a specific procedure together. The best answers would show candidates’ leadership skills, which you can also assess with the help of leadership assessment tests.

20. How would you encourage team members who seem disengaged?

This question helps you gain deeper insight into your candidates’ leadership potential. The best ones will know that re-engaging team members is vital for maintaining excellent service standards, and will also look to understand the reasons behind the behavior. 

Look for candidates who use open communication to address specific needs and concerns, and who look to involve team members in decision-making or key procedures to boost their motivation. 

21. What do you think about working irregular hours and on holidays?

Flexibility with scheduling and working on holidays is a typical requirement in the industry and candidates should understand that. Would they be able to manage their personal commitments alongside busy flight schedules? Are they familiar with the lifestyle that comes with the role?

Their response will help you understand their readiness and adaptability to the demands of a flight attendant’s schedule and their ability to maintain top performance during unusual hours.

22. How do you prepare for a long-haul flight?

This question is for candidates who have prior experience as flight attendants on international flights.

Look for candidates who are able to clearly explain their physical and mental preparation strategies, such as: 

  • Ensuring they’re well-rested

  • Organizing their equipment 

  • Reviewing flight details

  • Planning their meals 

  • Staying hydrated 

Examples like the ones above show their capability to maintain high service standards during extended periods.


23. How do you handle jet lag?

Managing jet lag is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. 

Candidates should share their personal strategies for minimizing jet lag's impact, such as:

  • Adjusting sleep and meal schedules before flights

  • Staying hydrated

  • Using light exposure to reset their internal clocks

  • Using different self-care routines to alleviate stress 

24. Are you comfortable with the physical demands of the job?

The ability to meet the physical demands of the role of a flight attendant are an essential piece of the puzzle of top performance.

Flight attendants need to lift luggage, assist disabled passengers, maneuver tight spaces, and stand on their feet for long periods. 

Encourage candidates to explain how they handle the physical aspects of the job. Do they engage in specific physical activities or exercises to stay fit? Can they provide examples from past experiences where they effectively managed these demands? 

Their comfort and readiness to meet these physical challenges are crucial for performing the essential functions of their role.

25. What’s the most challenging part of being a flight attendant, for you? 

With this question, you’ll be able to gain deeper insight into what aspects of the job applicants find the most challenging and whether that’s compatible with the requirements of your airline. 

For example, do they struggle with spending long periods away from their family and friends? Do they dislike spending lots of time on their feet? Do they find it difficult to always be agreeable with passengers? Do they struggle with changing security procedures? 

But, most importantly, look for specific strategies they use to overcome and adapt to these challenges. 

25 additional interview questions you can ask future flight attendants

Looking for more ideas? Below, you’ll find 25 extra questions you can use when interviewing flight attendants. 

  1. Why should we hire you as a flight attendant?

  2. What are your career goals as a flight attendant?

  3. Have you completed any flight attendant training programs?

  4. How do you stay organized and efficient?

  5. How proficient are you in using in-flight technology?

  6. Can you describe a time you made a mistake at work? How did you handle it?

  7. How do you keep yourself motivated during long flights?

  8. Describe a time when you exceeded a customer’s expectations.

  9. How do you assist passengers with special needs?

  10. What do you find most challenging about customer service?

  11. How do you ensure you provide equal attention to all passengers?

  12. How would you deal with a colleague who was not pulling their weight during a flight?

  13. Describe a situation where you had to make a quick decision without guidance.

  14. What strategies do you use to manage conflicts between passengers?

  15. How do you prioritize tasks when everything seems urgent?

  16. How do you build rapport with your team members?

  17. How do you build rapport with passengers?

  18. How do you handle disagreements with a supervisor?

  19. What role do you usually take in a team setting?

  20. What do you do to respect cultural differences among passengers?

  21. How do you handle personal beliefs that conflict with job requirements?

  22. How do you deal with the uncertainty of changing flight schedules?

  23. What are your coping strategies for spending long periods away from home?

  24. How do you deal with changing security procedures?

  25. What do you do to stay physically fit and healthy in such a demanding career?

To gain a deeper insight into candidates’ behavior, check out our behavioral interview questions.

Hire top crew members with the right process

To hire the best flight attendants for your airline, you need a skills-based recruitment process. This helps you not only evaluate talent more reliably, but also retain top performers for longer. According to our research, 91% of employers improve retention when they do skills-based hiring.

The two key components of skills-first hiring are skills tests and structured interviews: 

  • First, ask all applicants to take a skills assessment to see who meets the requirements for the role

  • Then, invite the best candidates to an interview for a deeper evaluation of their skills

Now that you know what questions to ask, you simply need to start building your skills assessment. 

Check out our test library to find suitable tests for flight attendants – or sign up for a 30-minute live demo to chat with one of our team members and see whether TestGorilla is the right fit for you. 

Or, if you prefer to try out the platform for yourself, simply sign up for our Free forever plan and start evaluating candidates’ skills today. 


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