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55 supply chain interview questions to assess candidates’ skills

55 supply chain interview questions to assess candidates’ skills

55 supply chain interview questions to assess candidates’ skills featured image

Looking to hire top supply chain managers or skilled supply chain specialists? Assessing candidates’ skills quickly and accurately is a must.

To help you evaluate candidates, we’ve prepared a list of the best 55 supply chain interview questions you can use to gain a better understanding of their skills, knowledge, and expertise.

You’ll also find answers to the most important 25 questions, enabling you to assess candidates’ responses, even if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of supply chain management.

How do you decide whom to interview, though?

With our Supply Chain Fundamentals test, that’s easy. Simply ask candidates to take this test, along with other role-specific tests from our vast test library, and you’ll be able to identify top talents instantly. Then, invite the best applicants to an interview and use the questions below to evaluate their skills.

Top 25 supply chain interview questions and answers to hire the best talent

Below, you’ll find our selection of the best 25 interview questions for supply chain specialists and managers, along with sample answers that’ll guide you through the evaluation process.

If you need more question ideas, scroll down to the next section, for 30 more questions you can use during interviews.

1. Can you describe your experience with ERP systems such as SAP or Oracle?

Look for candidates who not only have experience with ERP systems but who can give you the specific details of the modules they’ve used and best practices they’ve implemented.

They should explain how they have used these systems to:

  • Simplify supply chain processes

  • Improve data accuracy

  • Enhance decision-making

Look for examples of improvements they’ve made in processes and focus on candidates’ hands-on experience.

2. How do you use data analysis tools to predict trends and make the right decisions?

Look for candidates who have experience with data analysis tools such as Excel, SQL, Tableau, or specialized supply chain analytics software.

They should explain how they’ve used these tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data to identify trends, predict demand, and make informed decisions. Look for examples where their skills led to significant improvements in efficiency or major cost reductions.

Use our Tableau and Data Analytics in Excel test to gain a better understanding of candidates’ ability to analyze data with those two applications.

3. Tell us about a time when you optimized inventory levels. What methods did you use?

The best candidates will give you a specific example of a time they successfully optimized inventory levels by using methods like:

  • Just-in-time (JIT) inventory

  • ABC analysis

  • Economic order quantity (EOQ)

  • Safety stock calculations

Look for details on how they analyzed inventory data, identified bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and implemented strategies to improve inventory turnover, reduce holding costs, and prevent stockouts.

4. What’s your process for managing logistics and transportation networks?

Expect candidates to describe their process for managing logistics and transportation, including planning, execution, and monitoring, and explain what logistics software tools they use.

They should explain how they select carriers, optimize routes, and manage costs while ensuring speedy delivery and looking for optimization opportunities.

5. Have you ever had to implement a new supply chain software tool in your company’s workflows? How did you do it?

Experienced candidates will have at least one example of a new application they’ve introduced to improve processes. Expect them to explain the steps they took, such as to:

  • Assess needs and requirements

  • Select top vendors

  • Test the software

  • Plan its implementation

  • Integrate it with existing systems

  • Train staff

The best answers will include information about the outcomes candidates achieved and challenges they overcame. Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions if you’d like to learn more about the specifics.

6. What strategies do you use to manage and optimize supply chain data?

What strategies do you use to manage and optimize supply chain data graphic

Look for specific data management strategies, such as:

  • Data cleansing

  • Standardization

  • Integration

  • Verification

  • Real-time data monitoring

Look for examples of tools and techniques they’ve used to analyze and leverage data to make better decisions.

7. How do you handle discrepancies in inventory data?

Candidates should explain how they conduct root cause analysis, reconcile data, and implement corrective actions to prevent future discrepancies. This question enables you to evaluate the candidate’s problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in handling inventory discrepancies.

For deeper insights, use our Working with Data and Problem Solving tests.

8. Tell us about a time when you automated a part of the supply chain process. What did you do exactly? What was the outcome?

Look for candidates who are able to explain how they identified automation opportunities, selected the right tools, designed the automation, and then implemented it.

The best supply chain experts will provide information on specific, measurable outcomes they achieved, such as increased efficiency, reduced errors, or cost savings.

9. How do you manage supply chain disruptions?

This question enables you to assess candidates’ ability to proactively mitigate supply chain risks, along with their crisis-management skills. Top candidates should be able to concisely explain their:

  • Risk-assessment strategies

  • Contingency-planning methods

  • Communication strategies

Consider their past experience with minimizing the impact of disruptions.

10. How do you perform a cost-benefit analysis?

Top candidates will have a comprehensive approach enabling them to:

  • Gather data

  • Evaluate and compare options

  • Balance quantitative and qualitative factors

  • Make informed decisions

Look for examples of specific decisions they’ve made based on cost-benefit analysis and ask them about the outcomes they’ve achieved.

11. Tell us about a time when your strategic planning made a significant impact on operations.

Top candidates will give a concrete example of a strategic plan they developed and implemented, explaining the goals, steps taken, and resources used. Look for evidence of their ability to think long-term and align strategic objectives with operational goals.

To go a step further, use our Business Judgment test.

12. What are the main risks in a supply chain?

Candidates should explain how they identify and tackle key supply chain risks, such as:

  • Unreliable supplies

  • Transportation disruptions

  • Demand variability

  • Geopolitical issues

Use a Risk Management test to evaluate applicants’ skills more comprehensively.

13. What tools do you use for supply chain modeling and simulation?

What tools do you use for supply chain modeling and simulation graphic

Expect candidates to describe specific modeling software they use, such as AnyLogic, Llamasoft, or SAP Integrated Business Planning.

They should be able to explain how they use these tools to create models, run simulations, and analyze scenarios to optimize supply-chain performance.

14. How do you measure the success of new processes?

The best supply chain specialists will describe specific metrics and KPIs they use to evaluate the success of any new process, such as:

  • Efficiency improvements

  • Cost savings

  • Cycle time reductions

  • Quality enhancements

Are they able to provide concrete examples of processes they implemented or improved? What outcomes did they achieve? Don’t hesitate to follow up with more questions, if needed.

15. How do you present data to stakeholders who don’t have deep supply chain expertise?

Simplifying complex data is key when communicating with stakeholders. This means using clear and concise language, visual aids like charts and graphs, and even storytelling. Skilled communicators will know how to tailor their presentations to the audience’s level of understanding and focus on key insights and actionable information.

Our Communication test will enable you to evaluate candidates’ ability to convey messages clearly and effectively.

16. Can you tell us about a situation where your analytical skills helped reduce costs?

Top answers will include examples where applicants identified an opportunity to reduce expenses. For example, they might have:

  • Optimized inventory levels

  • Renegotiated long-term deals with suppliers

  • Simplified processes

Look for quantifiable results and evidence of their analytical approach.

17. What KPIs do you use to measure the efficiency of supply chains?

Expect the candidate to list top key performance indicators (KPIs) they use to measure supply chain success, such as:

  • Order fulfillment rates

  • Inventory turnover

  • Lead times

  • Costs per order

  • On-time delivery rates

They should explain why each of these KPIs are important and how they monitor and analyze them.

18. Describe your experience with vendor management and contract negotiations.

Managing vendor relationships and negotiating contracts are two key aspects of the work of anyone involved in supply chain management. Expect candidates to explain how they:

  • Evaluate vendor performance

  • Maintain strong relationships

  • Handle disputes

  • Secure favorable contract terms

Top candidates might give you specific examples of deals they negotiated and explain how this impacted the business as a whole.

19. What steps do you take to develop the skills of your team members?

When recruiting supply chain managers, look for candidates who know how to:

  • Assess individual and team performance

  • Identify skill gaps

  • Design training and development opportunities

  • Mentor team members

  • Encourage continuous learning

Top candidates might mention specific talent assessment templates they use, such as the nine box grid, or self-assessment questionnaires.

20. How do you evaluate the success of your management strategies?

Look for candidates who know how to set clear objectives, monitor performance against goals, collect feedback from team members, and analyze key team performance metrics. They should explain how they use this information to make continuous adjustments and improvements.

Look for examples of how they have successfully evaluated and refined their management strategies.

21. How do you foster collaboration within cross-functional teams?

Cross-functional team leadership requires using the right communication channels, setting common goals, having regular meetings, and promoting a culture of trust, respect, and innovation.

The best candidates would give examples of strategies they use to ensure all team members are aligned and engaged.

22. How do you balance the needs and demands of different stakeholders?

Candidates should describe their approach to balancing stakeholder needs by:

  • Identifying and prioritizing requirements

  • Maintaining open communication

  • Negotiating compromises

  • Managing conflicts

Look for examples of how they successfully balanced competing demands in previous roles.

23. How do you ensure attention to detail in your processes?

Top candidates will mention strategies such as:

  • Implementing standardized procedures

  • Conducting regular audits

  • Using checklists and quality control measures

They should explain how they train and monitor teams to maintain high standards.

24. Tell us about a situation where your ethical judgment was tested.

The candidate should describe a specific situation where they faced an ethical dilemma, explaining the context, the options they considered, and the decision they made.

They should highlight the principles and values that guided their decision and the outcome of the situation. Look for their ability to handle ethical challenges with integrity and professionalism.

To gain deeper insights, use our Business Ethics and Compliance test.

25. How do you implement new technologies in the supply chain?

Top candidates will describe their approach to managing and implementing new technologies, including assessing technology needs, selecting appropriate solutions, planning and executing implementation, and training coworkers.

They should explain how they ensure the smooth integration with existing systems and processes. Look for examples of successful technology implementations and the benefits achieved.

30 additional supply chain interview questions you can ask candidates

If you need more questions, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find 30 extra interview questions for all supply chain roles.

  1. Can you walk me through a project where you used Six Sigma methodologies to improve supply chain processes?

  2. Have you ever applied lean manufacturing principles in previous roles?

  3. What are the key features you look for in a Warehouse Management System (WMS)?

  4. How do you ensure data accuracy and integrity in your supply chain analyses?

  5. Describe your experience with Transportation Management Systems (TMS).

  6. How do you approach demand planning and forecasting?

  7. How do you evaluate the performance of different supply chain software tools?

  8. Explain your experience with integrating supply chain software with other business systems.

  9. Can you provide an example of how you solved a major supply chain issue in the past?

  10. How do you handle situations where data is incomplete or unreliable?

  11. Describe your approach to balancing cost and efficiency in supply chain management.

  12. How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple projects?

  13. How do you ensure that your strategies align with overall business goals?

  14. How do you stay current with best practices in supply chain analytics?

  15. Explain a time when you used big data to solve a supply chain challenge.

  16. How do you validate the results of your supply chain analysis?

  17. Describe your experience leading a supply chain team. How did you motivate and manage them?

  18. How do you approach project management in supply chain initiatives?

  19. Can you give an example of a successful supply chain project you managed?

  20. How do you handle conflicts within your team?

  21. Describe your strategy for managing supply chain resources effectively.

  22. How do you prioritize tasks and projects in a busy environment?

  23. What’s your method for ensuring effective communication within your team?

  24. How do you manage the expectations of different stakeholders in a supply chain project?

  25. How do you stay organized and manage your time effectively?

  26. Describe your approach to building and maintaining professional relationships with vendors.

  27. Explain a situation where your interpersonal skills helped resolve a supply chain issue.

  28. Explain a time when you had to make a decision with incomplete information.

  29. Tell us about a time when you had to manage supply chain operations during a crisis.

  30. How do you ensure your team meets their targets and deadlines?

Hire top staff and build a resilient supply chain

Supply chain recruitment isn’t easy, but if you have the right tools, you’ll be sure you’re making the right hiring choices.

For the best results, use skills testing to evaluate candidates from your talent pool and then invite the best ones to an interview. More and more employers are using a skills-first approach to hiring – 81% in 2024 compared to 56% in 2022, and for a good reason: Skills-based hiring is more predictive of on-the-job success than resumes according to 94% of them.

Book a free 40-minute demo to chat with one of our experts and find out how TestGorilla can help you build a skills-first supply chain hiring process. Or sign up for our Free forever plan and start building your first skills assessment today.


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