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TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems (WeCP)

TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems (WeCP)

Don’t leave hiring the best talent to chance

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Resumes are becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays, pre-employment testing is the most reliable way to determine a candidate’s potential for success in a role. 

Not only does pre-employment testing provide greater insights into your candidate than a resume, but it also eliminates unconscious bias from the recruitment process. You’ll save time and money by avoiding the need to manually screen resumes.

However, with so many pre-employment screening options available, it’s tricky to know which one to choose. In this article, we’ll compare TestGorilla with WeCreateProblems (WeCP) and explain why TestGorilla is the best choice for your hiring needs.

How does TestGorilla work?

TestGorilla's new homepage

TestGorilla is a pre-employment testing software that enables you to get insights into each candidate’s capabilities, personality traits, and attitude towards work. It also removes unconscious bias by enabling you to make hiring decisions based on applicants’ scores instead of subjective data. 

TestGorilla offers 400+ for personality, aptitude, role-specific skills and more, and  you can tailor each assessment to your company’s needs. Plus, you can add personalized questions to make sure you’re getting the exact information you need about each applicant.

TestGorilla ensures all tests are scientifically validated by working with registered psychometricians. In addition, each test undergoes a meticulous 28-step quality-control process before launch. 

Additionally, TestGorilla implements robust anti-cheating measures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of results.

How does WeCP work? 

WeCP screenshot

WeCP focuses on hiring technical talent for IT and software-engineering roles. The software streamlines your recruitment process by making it quicker and simpler to hire technical staff.

WeCP offers a four-step process: building a robust talent pool, and then screening applicants, interviewing them, and finally onboarding the best ones.  

WeCP offers more than 150,000 unique questions to test more than 2,000 technical skills. AI-powered video technology and web proctoring prevent cheating and generate reliable results.

TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Test libraries

Both TestGorilla and WeCP have comprehensive test libraries that include personality, aptitude, and coding tests.

TestGorilla’s test library

TestGorilla's new test library screenshot

TestGorilla offers 400+ tests, with a minimum of 100 questions in each test pool. This helps you create the perfect pre-employment assessment for each role. Our tests cover:

We also introduce new tests as needed workplace skills evolve. For example, we now have a Working with Generative AI test.

TestGorilla can automatically recommend the most effective tests for different job roles. You can mix and match up to five tests to create a custom assessment.

In addition, each test is fully customizable. You can choose from answer formats including text, multiple-choice, file upload, and video responses. You can also add your own questions to find your perfect candidate. 

In addition, you can use the library’s search function to find recommended tests by entering a role or skill.

TestGorilla’s assessments are perfect for international recruitment, with localized websites available in 12 different languages, including English, Japanese, and Arabic.

Explore advanced skills testing with TestGorilla

See how TestGorilla leads the way in skills assessments. Sign up for our free live demo and discover a better way to evaluate candidates.

WeCP’s test library

WeCP test library screenshot

WeCP primarily focuses on skills assessments for IT professionals and software engineers. The platform offers more than 440 tests, which can be combined to create more than 1,000 role-specific assessments.

WeCP’s tests are also customizable, and the software offers test recommendations for each role.

Unlike TestGorilla, WeCP doesn’t offer language, personality, cognitive ability, or situational judgment tests.

Test libraries: Comparison chart at a glance



Cognitive ability tests



Situational judgment tests



Job-specific tests


Yes (for IT and software development roles)

Software tests



Programming tests (including coding challenges)



Language tests



Personality tests



Culture-add test



Motivation test



Your own custom tests



Custom questions per assessment



Test recommendations for each job role



Multiple tests per assessment



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Functionalities for hiring developers

When you’re hiring a developer, you need a clear picture of their capabilities. So, it’s important to test their knowledge of a range of coding languages and programming frameworks.

When choosing a pre-employment assessment platform, look for tests that cover the full stack of coding languages, mobile development, and debugging. 

Hiring developers with TestGorilla

TestGorilla offers a range of tests to help you hire a suitable developer. These include tests for programming languages, web and mobile-development frameworks, algorithm development, data science, and more. You can add custom coding and debugging challenges to any test.

As part of its coding tests, TestGorilla also has a language-agnostic test. Developers can take the same test in whatever language they are most comfortable in – there are 20 different programming languages to choose from.

The coding timeline feature also captures events like switching between programming languages. You can play back the code to see how your candidates moved through their challenges.

Finally, our new integrated development environment (IDE) enables candidates to work in a programming environment that matches their needs.

Hiring developers with WeCreateProblems

WeCP tests a range of coding languages, including:

  • C++

  • C#

  • Python

  • Swift

  • Scala

  • Ruby

  • Object C

  • Java

In addition, WeCP offers tests for web and mobile-development frameworks, plus algorithmic-thinking challenges and debugging challenges.

WeCP also offers live peer coding, which enables you to interact with an applicant in a video conference as they code. The platform also captures candidates’ coding process so you can review it.

Functionalities for hiring developers: Comparison chart at a glance



Coding languages

JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, TypeScript, Go, R, Scala, Swift, Julia, Elixir, Dart, Perl, Rust, and Erlang

JavaScript, Java, Python, HTML, PHP, C#, C++, SQL, Java, Ruby, TypeScript, Go, Object C, Scala, and Swift

Web-development frameworks



Mobile-development frameworks



Algorithmic-thinking challenges



Debugging challenges



Language-specific concept challenges



Your own custom coding challenges



Code-playback function



Automated scoring



Live peer coding



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Video interviews

Video interviews enable you to understand candidates’ communication styles and thought processes. They’re particularly great for international hiring campaigns as they can be conducted remotely and set at a time convenient for all. 

In addition, video interviews help you gauge your candidate’s personality and see whether they’d be a good addition to your company culture.

TestGorilla’s video interviews

With TestGorilla, you can conduct one-way video interviews. These require candidates to answer a question with a short video.

Candidates are limited to three recording attempts, and you can set the maximum response length to 30, 60, or 120 seconds. You can also add comments and rankings to each interview to share with your hiring team. Finally, you can play back videos at the speed you prefer.

WeCreateProblems’ video interviews

WeCP provides one- and two-way video-interview features and the opportunity to rate and comment on candidates’ video answers. The maximum answer length for one-way video questions is two minutes (this isn’t customizable).

You can rate applicants’ answers, but there’s no way to leave comments for the rest of your hiring team to review.

Video interviews: Comparison chart at a glance



One-way video interview



Custom video questions



Record candidates’ attempts



Restrict maximum answer length



Record and playback on any device



Rate and comment on video answers



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Candidate experience and company branding

First impressions matter, so creating a professional and memorable pre-employment screening experience for your candidates is important. Ensure your assessment is branded with your company logo and colors.

In addition, a short, focused assessment, mobile-friendliness, and applicant support all contribute to a positive user experience.

The candidate experience with TestGorilla

TestGorilla’s features are carefully designed to contribute positively to the candidate experience.

Candidates can preview test questions to prepare themselves for assessments, and they can easily access our FAQ and troubleshooting page.

Most of TestGorilla’s pre-employment tests take around 10 minutes to complete, ensuring a high completion rate. A full assessment typically takes 30-60 minutes.

TestGorilla also doesn’t require applicants to create their own accounts to take tests. This keeps the process efficient and reduces the likelihood of drop-outs. Candidates who complete an assessment in English have the option to create a TestGorilla account to review their results.

In addition, all pre-employment screening tests can be completed on a mobile device for the applicant’s convenience – although TestGorilla recommends that candidates use laptops or desktops for most assessments, especially coding challenges. 

TestGorilla offers multiple branding options. You can include your company colors and logo and add a custom intro or outro video. This ensures a consistent candidate experience and makes your business appear more professional. 

TestGorilla improves the hiring experience for candidates around the world by offering tests in 12 different languages.

The candidate experience with WeCreateProblems

WeCP allows employers to brand candidate assessments with your company’s colors and logos. It also offers customizable emails and calendar invites.

WeCP offers help and support to candidates through a dedicated chat system and support manual. 

Unfortunately, there’s also no way for candidates to review their assessment results.

Candidate experience and company branding: Comparison chart at a glance



Your company’s intro or outro video



Assessments branded with your company logo and color



Customizable invitation and rejection emails



No login required for candidates






Help and support for your candidates



Typical assessment length

30-60 minutes

30-120 minutes

Qualifying questions prior to assessment



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Enterprise and startup friendliness

Your pre-employment testing platform needs to suit the size of your business, whether you’re an enterprise or a startup. 

Look for software that can handle recruitment at scale for both growing and established businesses. In practice, this includes ATS integration, candidate tracking systems, GDPR compliance, and API access. 

TestGorilla’s enterprise and startup friendliness

TestGorilla caters to startups, growing businesses, and large enterprises alike.  

A free forever plan is ideal for startups, while scalable paid plans meet the needs of larger businesses. 

Features like ATS integration and API access support recruitment needs at all scales. Enterprises can use TestGorilla to hire internationally since our platform supports testing in 12 different languages.

In addition, TestGorilla offers specific capabilities that make life easier for HR teams at large enterprises, like multi-user rights management, as well as bulk actions like sending invitations, reminders, and rejections. We even have our own job board where you can post your open roles – and applicants can ask to be invited to take your assessment as the very first step of the application process.

Take a look at our case studies for more examples of how we help startups and enterprise customers alike.

WeCreateProblems’ enterprise and startup friendliness

WeCP offers ATS integration, API access, and the ability to create multiple users with role-based access. This is beneficial for both small businesses and enterprises that have larger hiring teams.

In addition, WeCP facilitates bulk actions to manage candidates for large recruitment campaigns and provides multiple candidate-invitation options. 

Enterprise and startup friendliness: Comparison chart at a glance



ATS integration



Multiple users and role-based rights management






Multiple candidate-invitation options



Public link to invite candidates



Public links for each candidate source



Bulk invite candidates (CSV/XLSX upload)



Track candidate states from invited to hired



API access



Bulk actions to manage candidates



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Quality control

For a pre-employment test to be fair and valid, its results must be accurate and reliable. This is where quality control comes in. 

The standard process for ensuring product quality includes thorough testing, pre-release inspections, frequent question updates and replacements, and incorporation of customer feedback.

TestGorilla’s quality-control processes

TestGorilla's new quality control screenshot

TestGorilla’s science-backed approach is very thorough. We use a 28-step quality control process for all tests before they go live, including peer reviews, sample testing, copywriter reviews, and psychometrician reviews. 

We pay close attention to customer and candidate feedback and consistently review our test library to enhance the relevance and quality of questions.

In short, TestGorilla continually improves its pre-employment tests and automatically removes any questions that may have been overexposed.

WeCreateProblems’ quality-control processes

Unfortunately, WeCP doesn’t disclose its quality-control procedures on its website. 

Quality control: Comparison chart at a glance



Proprietary algorithms that continuously improve the quality of each test



Extensive quality checks before tests go live



Questions replaced after reaching exposure limit



Customer feedback used to improve tests



Test-taker feedback used to improve tests



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Anti-cheating measures

Cheating can have a significant impact on the validity of test scores and misrepresent candidates’ capabilities. 

Therefore, the security and integrity of every assessment rely on effective anti-cheating measures. This ensures an accurate representation of the candidate’s personality, skills, and intelligence in the results.

TestGorilla’s anti-cheating measures

TestGorilla implements extensive anti-cheating measures, including:

  • Timed tests

  • IP-address logging

  • Disabling copy-paste

  • Randomized questions

  • Alerts when a candidate leaves the test window

In addition, TestGorilla can take webcam snapshots every 30 seconds with candidates’ consent. This helps ensure that they’re taking an assessment without help.

You can also set test deadlines, which can restrict opportunities for cheating.

Finally, TestGorilla also has a large, randomized pool of questions for each test.

WeCreateProblems’ anti-cheating measures

WeCP alerts you when a candidate switches to another tab or leaves the test window. It can also take screenshots of the candidate’s screen and snapshots with their webcam to ensure they aren’t taking the test with outside help. You have the option to disable copy-paste during an assessment. 

In addition, WeCP has a large pool of questions that are randomized for each test.

Anti-cheating measures: Comparison chart at a glance



IP-address logging (to avoid multiple attempts by the same candidate)



Logging of candidate location



Webcam snapshots (with the option to turn on/off)



Full-screen mode detection (to avoid research during test)



Randomized questions per test



Large question pool for each test

Yes (100+)

Yes (3,000+)

Questions and answers not visible to employers to protect test integrity



Time limit on tests

Yes (typically 10 minutes)


Copy-paste disabled



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Reporting and analytics

Reporting and analytics are valuable tools to employers. Having a detailed analysis of candidates’ responses and testing behaviors can help you gauge their performance more accurately. 

Reporting and analytics also instill confidence in candidates and employers alike. Participants know that they were picked fairly, while you know your chosen candidate is exactly who you’re looking for. Win-win!

TestGorilla’s reporting and analytics features

TestGorilla's new reporting and analytics screenshot

TestGorilla offers a comprehensive overview of all your past and present applicants, allowing you to evaluate your next hire against your wider candidate pool. This helps you establish benchmarks that lead to informed hiring decisions.

You can also rank candidates against one another for a robust comparison of each application. Our advanced filters enable you to compare candidates based on test scores, answers to different question types, and more.

TestGorilla also  lets you assign custom weights to each test in an assessment so candidates’ overall scores better reflect their performance on the most important skills for a role. 

You can add personalized ratings and notes to reports to keep track of everyone and share these details with your hiring team. You can also download reports in PDF, XLSX, or CSV format.

Our candidate PDF reports break down test results into an easy-to-digest format. You can see how well candidates did in specific skill areas, which can help you see whether they possess the needed skills for your role. 

WeCreateProblems’ reporting and analytics features

WeCreateProblems’ reporting and analytics features

WeCP offers a comprehensive overview of both past and current candidates. It also has features to add ratings for candidates and view detailed analytics, including application date, qualifications, and more. Benchmarks enable you to compare candidates against one another.

You can download reports in CSV and PDF formats.

Reporting and analytics: Comparison chart at a glance



PDF reports of assessments and individual candidates



Excel and CSV reports of assessments and individual candidates


CSV only

Comprehensive overview of all current and past candidates



Scoring benchmarks for candidates (including percentile rank scoring)



Add your ratings and personal notes for candidates



Detailed candidate analytics



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Customer support

Quick, accessible customer support is crucial for pre-employment screening tools, because all the different options and functionalities can feel overwhelming.

Support might include phone, web chat, and email assistance. Some companies even provide live training and onboarding tours for a hands-on experience with the software, which is great if you’re new to pre-employment screening tests.

TestGorilla’s customer support

We know that customer support is crucial to a streamlined recruitment process. That’s why we offer a comprehensive support package that includes live chat, email support, and an online help center. Our Pro customers also get a service-level agreement for customer service.

We also provide a tailored training and onboarding tour to help you get comfortable with the software and explore all the features offered. This way, you can get the most out of your TestGorilla experience.

WeCreateProblems’ customer support

WeCP offers live chat and email service and an online help center to support customers. However, the platform doesn’t offer a training and onboarding tour for new users.

Customer support: Comparison chart at a glance



Live chat



Help center



Email support



Training and onboarding tour



TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Pricing

Most pre-employment software tools are priced per user per month. However, some charge annually or use a pay-as-you-go model, with prices varying based on your company’s size. 

If you’re on a budget, some platforms even offer a free plan to get you started. 

TestGorilla’s pricing

TestGorilla's new pricing screenshot

TestGorilla offers three different pricing plans to support businesses of all sizes and needs:

  • Free forever at $0: Full access to five free tests with five custom questions.

  • Starter from $75 USD per month: Full access to our test library and unlimited simultaneous assessments.

  • Pro from $115 USD per month: Full access to everything in the Starter plan along with ATS integrations, API access, video questions, and custom branding for your assessments.

Starter and Pro plan pricing varies based on the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) in your company. As an example of how FTEs are calculated, two part-time employees who together work full-time hours are equivalent to one FTE.

For a company with up to 15 FTEs, the Starter plan costs $75 per month and the Pro plan costs $115 per month. For a company with 50 FTEs, the Starter plan costs $208 per month and the Pro plan costs $310 per month.

Companies with up to 15 FTEs must sign up for an annual plan. Larger companies can choose between monthly or annual pricing.

All plans enable users to test unlimited candidates. 

WeCreateProblems’ pricing

WeCreateProblems’ pricing

WeCP offers three plans that focus on different parts of the hiring process. Each plan costs $240 per month or $2,388 per year and includes full access to the WeCP test library and integrations. You get 40 test credits per month or 500 test credits per year (testing one candidate typically costs one credit). Plus, you can buy additional credits for $6 each. 

There’s also an Enterprise plan that can include multiple WeCP plans. You must contact WeCP for pricing for this plan.

WeCP offers a free trial but doesn’t provide information about how long the trial is.

Pricing: Comparison chart at a glance









Screen Candidate Skills

$240 per month ($2,388 per year)


From $75 USD per month ($900 per year, paid upfront, for teams of 1-15 FTEs)

Improve Quality of Hire

$240 per month ($2,388 per year)


From $115 USD per month ($1,380 per year, paid upfront, for teams of 1-15 FTEs)

Improve Employee Skills and Retention

$240 per month ($2,388 per year)


Contact WeCP

TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems: Ease of use

Your pre-employment screening platform needs to be easy to use for applicants and recruiters alike. 

Look for features such as good UX design, intuitive navigation, and easy test creation. 

TestGorilla’s user interface and ease of use

TestGorilla’s pre-employment tests are both time-saving and accurate. Tests typically take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, which contributes to a high completion rate. Assessments are also very easy to create, and test recommendations can help you quickly create tailored assessments for your role. 

The total duration of each assessment will depend on the number of tests you include (up to five tests per assessment). 

TestGorilla is designed with its users in mind. The intuitive user interface and custom branding options help your applicants feel confident and at ease when completing their pre-employment tests. 

Plus, ATS integrations, bulk actions, and our job board make every recruiters’ jobs easier.

Why TestGorilla excels in candidate screening

Find out what sets TestGorilla apart in hiring. Sign up for our free plan and access comprehensive tools for effective candidate screening.

Professional man pointing to the sign up for a free for a TestGorilla account

WeCreateProblems’ user interface and ease of use

WeCP has an easy-to-use interface. In addition, it integrates with the most popular ATS systems for an efficient user experience.

Verdict: TestGorilla vs. WeCreateProblems 

TestGorilla and WeCP can both help streamline your recruitment process. 

However, considering side-by-side the features offered, it’s clear that TestGorilla is the better option.

WeCP is aimed at hiring developers and technical staff, so if you’re looking to hire for other roles, it won’t be able to help. WeCP is also more expensive than TestGorilla for many businesses and doesn’t offer onboarding tours, which can make it harder to get started with the platform.

TestGorilla’s suite of tests and extensive reporting and analytics features are perfect for hiring candidates from all backgrounds and for all roles. In addition, the free plan is a game-changer for small businesses or those just getting started with pre-employment skills testing. 

Overall, TestGorilla is the clear choice for informing and improving your hiring decisions.

Streamline your hiring process with pre-employment testing 

Investing in pre-employment screening is a smart move for any company. Not only can it save you time and money by making your recruitment process more efficient, but it also enables you to identify and hire the most qualified candidates from all walks of life and build a truly diverse and inclusive team.

At TestGorilla, we’re passionate about helping hiring teams make better decisions and eliminate bias from the hiring process. 

If you’re interested in seeing firsthand how TestGorilla can help you streamline your hiring process, schedule a 45-minute live demo with one of our friendly sales team members today.


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Free resources

Anti-cheating checklist

This checklist covers key features you should look for when choosing a skills testing platform

Onboarding checklist

This resource will help you develop an onboarding checklist for new hires.

How to find candidates with strong attention to detail

How to assess your candidates' attention to detail.

How to get HR certified

Learn how to get human resources certified through HRCI or SHRM.

Improve quality of hire

Learn how you can improve the level of talent at your company.

Case study
Case study: How CapitalT reduces hiring bias

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