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40 Scrum Master behavioral interview questions (+ answers to look for)


Scrum Masters are leaders crucial for steering Agile teams and delivering complex projects. When searching for a new Scrum Master, assessing technical proficiency is a start, but it’s also vital to understand their soft skills, teamwork capabilities, and cultural fit. 

Behavioral interview questions can help you do this. They provide insights into a candidate’s experiences and how they handled past situations, helping you predict their future performance. Regarding Scrum Masters in particular, behavioral interview questions also shed light on the candidate’s adaptability to the dynamic world of Scrum. 

Below, we’ve compiled 40 Scrum Master behavioral interview questions to help you make well-informed hiring decisions and get the best candidate on board. We also walk you through how to implement behavioral interviews at your organization.

What are behavioral interview questions?

Behavioral interview questions are your magnifying glass into a candidate’s past and your crystal ball into their future. 

They help you understand how a candidate has reacted in specific scenarios before. These questions often begin with phrases like “Can you recall an instance when,” providing you with examples of the candidate’s thinking process, how they solved a problem, or how they performed under pressure.

For a Scrum Master role, these questions might pertain to how the candidate managed sprints, facilitated communication within the team, or handled blockers during a project.

Behavioral interview questions can also start with phrases like “How would you handle,” where candidates describe how they would behave in hypothetical situations. This can give you a powerful look into their behavioral traits, aptitudes, and skills in the workplace.

Why ask behavioral questions during a Scrum Master interview?

Scrum is a subset of Agile project management that breaks down large projects into small, manageable chunks called “sprints.” This approach encourages collaboration, adaptability, and incremental progress. 

A Scrum Master is a critical player in this framework. They’re not traditional project managers but more like coaches, guiding their team toward efficient workflows, resolving impediments, and ensuring the team sticks to Agile principles.

Reasons to ask behavioral questions during a scrum master interview graphic

So, there are many good reasons to ask behavioral questions during a Scrum Master interview. They help you:

1. Understand candidates’ leadership styles

A Scrum Master’s role requires leading without authority. They must guide the team, motivate them, and ensure they work toward the sprint goal. Behavioral interview questions can reveal how a candidate has previously led teams, their approach to conflict resolution, and how they handle pressure. These are all crucial elements of leadership.

2. Test servant leadership

Scrum Masters are known as “servant leaders” in Scrum methodology. They serve the team by removing obstacles, obtaining resources, and helping team members in their personal growth. Behavioral questions can help you assess if a candidate possesses this trait and how they’ve served their teams in the past.

3. Assess communication skills

Scrum Masters are the bridge between the team, the Product Owner, customers, and investors. They must effectively communicate the team’s progress, negotiate resources, and keep everyone aligned with the project goals. When you ask behavioral interview questions, you can learn how candidates handle communication in various contexts and how they adapt their style to suit different audiences.

4. Evaluate adaptability

In Scrum, change is one of the only constants. Priorities can shift rapidly, and the Scrum Master must help the team adapt without losing sight of the project goals. You can gauge a candidate’s adaptability by asking about past experiences with change and their approach to it.

5. Identify conflict resolution skills

Disagreements are inevitable within any team. A Scrum Master must be able to defuse tensions and find a resolution that keeps the team on track. Behavioral questions about past conflicts and how applicants handled them can provide insight into individuals’ mediation skills.

6. Gauge commitment to Agile and Scrum

Scrum Masters should firmly believe in the Agile philosophy and its benefits. They should also be able to instill this belief in their team members.

You can ask candidates behavioral interview questions about their experiences with implementing Scrum, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. This will show their commitment to Agile practices and their problem-solving abilities.

7. Understand candidates’ team-building approaches

A Scrum Master must build a collaborative, self-organizing team. Questions about how they’ve nurtured team growth, promoted collaboration, or dealt with uncooperative team members can shed light on their team-building strategies.

Technical skills can be taught, but personality and behavior traits are ingrained. By asking behavioral questions, you’re more likely to find a Scrum Master who understands the role and can navigate its interpersonal complexities. This approach will help ensure your new hire will align with your team members and company culture, reducing the risk of conflicts and mis-hires. 

40 Scrum Master behavioral interview questions and answers to look for

Behavioral interview questions are invaluable tools for identifying top-notch Scrum Masters. They provide a comprehensive view of a candidate’s abilities far beyond what’s listed on a resume. 

Below, we’ve listed 40 behavioral interview questions to ask Scrum Masters, what you’ll learn from them, and the responses you should hope to hear from your candidates.

Leadership skills behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

Leadership skills are crucial for Scrum Master roles because these individuals must guide their teams toward achieving goals within a specific time frame. They’re responsible for facilitating communication, resolving conflicts, and removing roadblocks that may impede the team’s progress. 

Effectively, leadership in Scrum goes beyond issuing directives. It’s about empowering the team, nurturing self-organization, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Here are four Scrum Master behavioral interview questions that can help assess a candidate’s leadership skills:

  1. Can you describe a situation where you had to convince your team to adopt a change? How did you handle resistance?

  2. Tell me about a time when your team faced a significant obstacle. How did you lead your team to overcome it?

  3. Have you ever had a team member who wasn’t fully engaged or underperforming? How did you handle this?

  4. How have you helped your team understand and adopt Scrum principles and values?

A strong candidate will demonstrate a keen ability to lead without dictating, showing respect for team autonomy. You want to hear how they’ve successfully navigated challenges, fostered a positive team environment, and implemented changes smoothly. They should demonstrate a commitment to Scrum principles and show how they’ve used these to guide their teams effectively.

Communication skills behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

Good communication skills are essential for a Scrum Master, given that their role involves interacting with various departments: the development team, Product Owner, and others within the organization. They must effectively facilitate discussions, manage conflicts, and ensure clarity and understanding among all parties involved.

Consider asking these Scrum Master behavioral interview questions to evaluate a candidate’s communication skills:

  1. Describe a situation where you had to mediate a conflict within your team. How did you handle it?

  2. Can you give an example of a complex idea or concept you had to explain to your team? How did you ensure they understood it?

  3. How have you communicated with a Product Owner or stakeholder who had unrealistic expectations?

  4. Tell me about a time when you had to give constructive feedback to a team member. How did you approach it?

The responses to these questions will provide insights into the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively. Ideally, they’ll demonstrate their active listening skills, ability to provide clear and concise information, and tact in giving feedback and handling conflict. Their ability to manage expectations and explain complex concepts well is crucial for successful Scrum implementation.

Empathy behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

Empathy is an essential quality for a Scrum Master. It allows them to understand and share their team members' feelings, helping hoster an environment of respect and trust. 

An empathetic Scrum Master can put themselves in the shoes of others, which is crucial in navigating conflicts, understanding perspectives, and motivating the team.

Here are some Scrum Master behavioral interview questions you can use to assess empathy:

  1. Tell me about a time when you had to manage a conflict between two team members. How did you handle it?

  2. Can you describe a situation where you had to stand up for your team? What was the outcome?

  3. How do you handle the pressure from stakeholders while ensuring your team doesn’t feel overwhelmed?

  4. Share an instance where you had to adapt your communication style to a team member’s needs. How did you do it?

When listening to the answers, look for signs of candidates’ ability to empathize with others. Good responses will show the candidate’s ability to understand others’ perspectives, resolve conflicts, and balance team needs with stakeholders’ demands.

Mentoring skills behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

Coaching and mentoring are key responsibilities of a Scrum Master. They should guide the team toward self-organization and empower them to make decisions. A good Scrum Master is a facilitator and mentor who supports the team’s growth.

To assess these qualities, consider these Scrum Master behavioral interview questions:

  1. Tell me about a time when you helped a team member improve their skills. What was your approach?

  2. Describe a situation where you guided your team toward a decision instead of making it for them. What was the result?

  3. Share an example of how you fostered a culture of continuous learning in your previous team.

  4. Tell me about a time when you had to motivate a disengaged team member. How did you handle it?

When assessing the answers, look for examples of how the individual coached their teams to become more self-sufficient. Good responses will indicate the candidate’s ability to foster growth and improvement in their team members.

For instance, a strong answer would detail how the candidate identified the team member’s skill gaps, designed a learning plan, and supported them throughout the process. This indicates the applicant is a proactive mentor. 

Another example of a good answer would be an explanation of how the candidate encouraged team decision-making while ensuring alignment with objectives. This answer shows they can balance leadership with empowerment.

Facilitation skills behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

The ability to facilitate is a valuable trait in any Scrum Master. It means they can guide meetings, discussions, and decision-making processes effectively. They help the team reach a consensus, promote productive conversation, and keep them on track toward their goals.

Here are four Scrum Master behavioral interview questions to test facilitation skills:

  1. Can you describe a situation where you had to facilitate a team meeting that led to a significant decision? How did you ensure everyone’s voices were heard?

  2. How would you handle a team member dominating the conversation during meetings?

  3. Tell me about a time when you had to manage a meeting where team members had conflicting viewpoints. How did you facilitate the discussion?

  4. Can you describe a situation where you had to step in and redirect a conversation that was going off track?

You’re looking for candidates who can demonstrate their ability to guide discussions and meetings constructively. They should showcase their skills in encouraging balanced participation, handling dominant personalities, and managing conflicts. 

Candidates who provide specific examples of how they’ve applied these skills in past situations give an insight into their capabilities as a Scrum Master.

Conflict resolution behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

Conflict resolution skills are vital for a Scrum Master. In Agile environments, conflicts can often arise due to differences in viewpoints, miscommunication, or high stress levels. A Scrum Master must mediate these conflicts and guide the team toward a resolution that aligns with the project’s goals.

Consider asking these four Scrum Master behavioral interview questions to assess conflict resolution skills:

  1. Can you tell me about a time when you had to mediate a conflict between two team members? How did you handle it?

  2. Describe a situation where you had to address a conflict affecting the team’s productivity. What steps did you take?

  3. Can you give an example of a situation where you helped resolve a misunderstanding between the team and the Product Owner?

  4. Tell us about a time when you had to deal with a conflict that escalated. How did you manage it?

Look for answers indicating a candidate’s understanding of what causes conflicts and the strategies they should use to manage disagreements effectively. 

Candidates should provide real-life examples demonstrating their ability to mediate disagreements, clarify misunderstandings, and create a harmonious working environment. They should show how they’ve used their skills to maintain team productivity and project momentum in the face of conflicts.

Adaptability behavior questions for Scrum Master roles

In the ever-changing field of software development, adaptability is an essential skill for Scrum Masters. Candidates must handle changes in project requirements, development strategies, team dynamics, and many more aspects. Ideal candidates will demonstrate flexibility, a positive approach to change, quick learning, and problem-solving capabilities. 

Below are four behavioral interview questions to help you spot an adaptable Scrum Master.

  1. Can you describe a situation when you had to adapt your strategy due to changes in project requirements?

  2. How did you handle a sudden change in team composition or project resources?

  3. Describe a time when you had to learn a new tool or methodology quickly to keep the project on track.

  4. How have you managed scenarios where you had to deviate from the original plan to meet a project deadline?

Candidates should illustrate their answers with real-life examples showing how they adapted to unforeseen changes. They should also show they’re open to change, can pivot their strategies when required, and can guide their team through these changes. In addition, they should display a positive attitude toward learning new tools or methodologies.

People management questions for Scrum Master roles

People management is another critical skill for Scrum Masters. A Scrum Master must handle different personalities, facilitate clear communication, resolve conflicts, and foster a collaborative environment. They should also demonstrate empathy, leadership, conflict resolution, and motivational skills. 

Here are four behavioral interview questions to evaluate a Scrum Master’s people management abilities.

  1. How do you handle conflicts within your team? Can you give an example?

  2. Describe a situation when you motivated a demotivated team member.

  3. Can you share an example of when you had to mediate between team members with different opinions?

  4. How have you handled a situation where a team member wasn’t meeting expectations?

Good candidates will share examples of when they’ve effectively handled conflicts, motivated team members, and managed diverse opinions. 

They should demonstrate empathy in dealing with underperforming team members and show they can lead in fostering a positive work environment. 

Furthermore, their answers should indicate that they understand the importance of open communication and team collaboration.

Persuasion skills questions for Scrum Master roles

When you’re hiring a Scrum Master, you need someone with robust persuasion skills. Why? The Scrum Master doesn’t have formal authority over the team. Yet, they must influence the team members, stakeholders, and even the Product Owner to follow Scrum principles and practices.

Therefore, persuasion skills are crucial. It’s how the Scrum Master helps everyone to buy into the Scrum philosophy, how they sell the importance of sticking to sprint goals, and how they motivate the team to embrace continuous improvement. It’s more than just talking – it’s about creating an understanding and gaining commitment.

How can you uncover these skills in an interview? Here are four Scrum Master behavioral interview questions designed to do just that:

  1. Describe a situation where you had to persuade your team to adopt a new process or tool. What steps did you take, and what was the outcome?

  2. Can you share an instance where you convinced a reluctant stakeholder to support a decision or action? How did you approach it?

  3. Have you ever had to persuade a Product Owner to prioritize a user story differently? How did you go about it?

  4. Tell me about a time when you had to rally your team around a challenging sprint goal. What strategies did you use to gain their commitment?

For these questions, listen for answers highlighting the candidate’s ability to understand others’ perspectives, use logical arguments, and provide compelling reasons. It’s a bonus if they show empathy, persistence, and excellent communication skills in their responses.

Problem-solving questions for Scrum Master roles

Scrum Masters need to be great problem-solvers. They often find themselves in the middle of complex project issues, team conflicts, and process inefficiencies. They must navigate these challenges to keep the team productive and the project on track.

Their problem-solving ability can often make or break a sprint. You need a Scrum Master who’s resourceful, analytical, and solution-oriented. They should have a knack for identifying the root cause of a problem and crafting an effective solution.

You can gauge a candidate’s problem-solving skills with these behavioral interview questions:

  1. Describe a challenging problem you encountered in a past project. How did you identify the problem, and what steps did you take to resolve it?

  2. Share an example of a time when a sprint was off track. What was the issue, and how did you help the team overcome it?

  3. Can you tell me about a time when you had to mediate a conflict within your team? How did you approach it, and what was the result?

  4. Describe an instance when you had to use your analytical skills to diagnose a problem in your team’s workflow. How did you address it?

Look for responses that demonstrate a systematic approach to problem-solving. These include identifying the issue, analyzing it, devising a plan, implementing it, and reviewing the results. The candidate should also show an ability to deal with ambiguity and make decisions with limited information.

How to roll out Scrum Master behavioral interviews

When hiring a Scrum Master, having a well-rounded understanding of the candidate is critical. Their role extends beyond technical prowess – it also involves guiding the team, resolving conflicts, and driving Agile practices. TestGorilla can support you in assessing these skills and more through its expansive library of pre-employment screening tests

Start by assessing job-specific skills. For Scrum Master roles, you may consider tests such as the Scrum Master test and the Jira Online test. Add custom questions based on your specific role requirements for a more tailored assessment.

Next, use TestGorilla’s personality tests – like the DISC Personality test or Big 5 (OCEAN) Personality test – to gain insight into the candidate’s soft skills and traits. Are they a natural leader? Do they work well in a team? The answers they give can help you build behavioral interview questions to probe deeper into their suitability for the role.

Finally, use TestGorilla’s one-way interview system. Candidates will respond to pre-set prompts – such as a list of behavioral interview questions – at a time convenient for them. You can review responses and draw comparisons at a time that suits you, ensuring a consistent and fair process. 

By following these steps, you can get a well-rounded assessment of your candidates to make better hiring decisions and avoid bias along the way.


Scrum Masters are crucial to successful project delivery in an Agile environment. They’re responsible for implementing Scrum practices and fostering a positive, collaborative environment for the team. The behavioral aspects of the role are just as significant as the technical aspects.

Asking your candidates behavioral interview questions can provide powerful insights into their traits and capabilities. This way, you can get a clear sense of how well they’ll fit into your team and company culture.

To get the most out of these questions, combine them with skills-based assessments, personality tests, and other pre-employment screening evaluations. TestGorilla makes this easy with its library of more than 300 tests. You can combine multiple tests to create a bespoke assessment for potential Scrum Masters that offers insight into their skills and personality traits. This provides a well-rounded, unbiased view of your candidates, offering a base for tailored behavioral interviews.

To start creating customized assessments today, create your free TestGorilla account. You can also watch a product tour or sign up for a free 30-minute live demo.


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