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Measure your Data Warehouse Designer candidates on job skills, personality and fit



This online Communication skills test assesses your candidates’ skills in communicating clearly and effectively using professional etiquette. This English communication skills test assesses candidates in both written and verbal communication, as well as non-verbal cues and active listening.
8 min

Culture Add

This Culture Add test assesses how a candidate’s values and behaviors align with your organization values and the behaviors that would make your ideal hire successful in a specific role, based on a customized survey you fill out.
10 min

SQLite (Coding): Intermediate-Level Querying

This SQLite coding test evaluates candidates’ skills in creating a query on a database with medium complexity. It immerses the candidate in a realistic scenario, and solving it requires intermediate SQLite querying skills.
30 min

Power BI

This Power BI test evaluates candidates’ technical knowledge and skills of the software and their ability to create informative and visually attractive designs. This test helps you identify candidates who are proficient users of Microsoft Power BI.
10 min


The MongoDB test evaluates candidates’ skills in the database solution and their ability to apply best practices for security, infrastructure, performance, and reliability. This test helps you identify candidates with strong MongoDB skills.
10 min

Cloud System Administration

This Cloud System Administration test evaluates candidates’ skills in installing, configuring, and maintaining computer systems. This test helps you identify sysadmins with experience in Windows and Linux and experience in cloud solutions and networking.
10 min

Project Management

This online Project Management test evaluates how well candidates can manage projects to achieve business goals. The test is not based on a specific PM methodology but rather assesses candidates’ ability to make the best decision in a specific context.
10 min

Working With Data

The Working With Data test evaluates candidates' ability to work with data, including handling data correctly and performing basic data analysis. This test helps you identify candidates who understand how to work with data to track and present results.
10 min


The Enneagram test follows the personality model developed in the teachings of O. Ichazo and C. Naranjo. The model maps out nine different personalities on a nine-pointed diagram describing the core beliefs and the worldview each one operates from.
10 min


Rooted in Oldham & Hackman’s Job Characteristics Model, this online Motivation test measures the extent to which your candidates’ expectations align with your job offer, based on a customized survey that you and the candidate both fill out.
15 min

Ruby (Coding): Data Structures

This Ruby on Rails online coding test evaluates candidates’ abilities with data structures in Ruby. The test gives candidates 30 minutes to solve a problem using Ruby language structures. This assessment test will help you hire mid-level Ruby developers with strong skills.
30 min

Numerical reasoning

This Numerical Reasoning test evaluates candidates’ general aptitude with numbers and their skill in interpreting them for a wide range of applications. This test will help you identify candidates with strong numerical skills.
10 min

Database Development

This Database Development test evaluates candidates’ knowledge of relational database development. This test will help you identify developers capable of designing and implementing relational databases that meet your business needs.
10 min

Database Management and Administration

This Database Management and Administration test evaluates candidates’ knowledge of core approaches in supplying data to applications. It will help you identify database managers capable of administering databases that meet your business needs.
10 min

Clean Code

Clean code is the hallmark of a quality software engineer. Clean code can be the difference between wasting thousands on a project versus doing it right the first time. This screening test validates an engineer’s ability to write easy to maintain code.
10 min


The DevOps test assesses candidates’ knowledge of DevOps concepts and practices and whether they can apply that knowledge to improve infrastructure, achieve faster time to market, and lower failure rates of new releases.
10 min

Microsoft SQL Server

This Microsoft SQL Server test evaluates a candidate’s ability to work effectively in Microsoft SQL Server. This screening test will help you hire SQL Server professionals with hands-on experience in development and administration
10 min

SQL Server Management Studio

This SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) test is designed to assess candidates’ abilities to use SSMS tools to design, develop, and manage databases on SQL Servers. This screening test will help you hire candidates who can use SSMS effectively.
10 min