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TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI

Don’t leave hiring the best talent to chance

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Pre-employment testing is a great tool for delivering insights into a candidate’s job-specific skills, personality, and attributes beyond those listed in their resume. 

Hiring managers and recruiters can use these assessments to make confident, data-driven hiring decisions while removing unconscious bias from the process. 

But with a range of pre-employment testing providers to choose from, it can be hard to pick the right one for your business. 

In this article, we compare TestGorilla and Interviewer.AI, two providers in the pre-employment testing space, and explain why TestGorilla is the best choice for your business.

How does TestGorilla work? 

TestGorilla's new homepage

TestGorilla is a top-rated pre-employment testing software that makes it easy to streamline your hiring process and find the best person for the job. 

With over 400+ tests to choose from, you can use TestGorilla to assess a wide range of a candidate’s skills and abilities, including culture add, personality, programming ability, and cognitive ability. 

TestGorilla also enables you to tailor each assessment to a specific role. This includes adding custom questions and one-way video interviews. 

On TestGorilla’s user-friendly platform, you can quickly see and compare candidate results and identify top performers. You can also easily download and share reports with your hiring team and add notes to aid the decision-making process. 

All TestGorilla’s tests undergo a strenuous quality control process before going live, so you know you can rely on the results. 

Plus, by focusing on the data, you reduce bias in your hiring process. This builds a more diverse workforce, fostering creativity and innovation while also improving employee productivity and engagement. 

How does Interviewer.AI work? 

How does Interviewer.AI work?

Interviewer.AI is a video interviewing software that automates the candidate pre-screening process. 

The platform combines a skills assessment, resume scoring, and an asynchronous interview to help employers find the right person for the job. Its features include:

  • WorkMap, a skills assessment that measures relevant candidate competencies against the primary skill set needed for a job. 

  • Resume scoring, which uses AI-powered features to measure how closely candidates’ resumes match the relevant job description.

  • An interviewing platform that uses AI expression and voice analysis – as well as natural language processing – to score candidates based on the content and delivery of their responses.

Interviewer.AI combines the results from these three tools to give an overall score for each candidate. It also provides specific insights into their cultural fit, communication skills, and professionalism. 

TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Test libraries

When comparing pre-employment testing providers, prioritize one with an extensive test library. The more skills you can test for, the more precisely you can tailor an assessment to the role you’re hiring. 

A good test library includes personality, aptitude, culture-add, and job-specific skills tests. 

TestGorilla’s test library

TestGorilla's new test library screenshot

TestGorilla offers more than 400+ tests that enable you to assess candidates’ personalities, coding abilities, situational judgment, cognitive abilities, language skills, job-specific skills, and more. You can find recommended tests by entering a skill or role into the test library’s search bar.

And our test library is always expanding. For instance, it now contains the Spreadsheet Simulation test.

These tests are available via 12 localized websites – including Japanese, Spanish, and French – to help you find the best person for the job regardless of their location. 

What’s more, TestGorilla assessments are highly customizable. You can edit test questions and add your own, and even choose how candidates answer – including via video, multiple-choice, open text, and file upload. 

Explore advanced skills testing with TestGorilla

See how TestGorilla leads the way in skills assessments. Sign up for our free live demo and discover a better way to evaluate candidates.

Interviewer.AI’s test library

Interviewer AI’s test library

Interviewer.AI offers two levels of tests: job-specific skills tests and asynchronous video tests. 

WorkMap assesses essential skill sets for the role during candidate interviews. It can create assessments for over 20 job functions, like Finance, HR, procurement, and education. It measures skills including analysis, attention to detail, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. 

While WorkMap does assess some job-specific hard skills (like social media management for public relations), its focus on hard skills is limited. The platform prioritizes cognitive abilities and soft skills.  

WorkMap can auto-generate interview questions based on users’ specified skills, or users can pick their own from the question bank. Candidates respond to these by registering the degree to which they agree with the statement.

At the second level, Interviewer.AI’s one-way video assessments use AI to evaluate soft skills like professionalism, sociability, communication, and energy. 

Interviewer.AI doesn’t offer tests to assess language or programming skills. 

Test libraries: Comparison chart at a glance



Cognitive ability tests


No dedicated cognitive ability tests (but WorkMap assesses cognitive abilities)

Situational judgment tests


No dedicated situational judgment tests (but WorkMap assesses situational judgment)

Job-specific tests


Sort of (WorkMap is tailored to specific job functions and assesses some job-specific hard skills)

Software tests



Programming tests (inc. coding challenges)



Language tests



Personality tests


No dedicated personality tests (but WorkMap and the AI-powered interview assess some personality traits)

Culture-add test


No dedicated culture add tests (but WorkMap and the AI-powered interview can help you check a candidate’s ability to fit in with and enhance your company culture)

Your own custom tests



Custom questions per assessment



Test recommendations for each job role



Multiple tests per assessment


Sort of (WorkMap can be combined with an asynchronous interview)

TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Functionalities for hiring developers 

If you’re hiring software developers, you need to find applicants with strong technical skills, including programming and coding proficiency in the specific languages your company works with.

When choosing a pre-employment testing provider, look for one that includes role-specific tests on coding, debugging, or language-specific concept challenges.

Hiring developers with TestGorilla 

TestGorilla offers a range of technical tests to help you find your next developer. These include tests that assess candidates’ proficiency with different web- and mobile-development frameworks, as well as algorithmic-thinking challenges. 

Among our coding skills tests is language agnostic that enables you to test candidates on up to 20 different programming languages. 

A pre-test onboarding flow helps familiarize developer candidates with the TestGorilla platform, and a practice question helps them prepare to perform their best.

Candidates can also customize their development workstation however they wish with our configurable integrated development environment. They can change their window sizes, color schemes, and more. On top of that, our IDE uses smart features to enhance efficiency and accuracy. 

As TestGorilla’s coding challenges are fully customizable, you can set up specific, real-life problems candidates would face in the role. Our coding timeline also enables you to play back candidates’ coding process and gain insights into how they work. 

Hiring developers with Interviewer.AI 

Interviewer.AI doesn’t currently offer any specific tests to assist you with hiring software developers.  

Functionalities for hiring developers: Comparison chart at a glance



Coding languages

JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C, C#, C++, SQL, Kotlin, Ruby, TypeScript, Go, R, Scala, Swift, Julia, Elixir, Dart, Perl, Rust, and Erlang


Web-development frameworks



Mobile-development frameworks



Algorithmic-thinking challenges



Debugging challenges



Language-specific concept challenges



Your own custom coding challenges



Code playback function



Automated scoring



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Video interviews

Video interview features like custom video questions and live interviews offer useful insights into candidates’ communication and presentation skills. 

Asynchronous, or one-way, video interviews are a great way to pre-screen candidates before deciding who to interview in person. 

Both TestGorilla and Interviewer.AI offer video interview features. 

TestGorilla’s video interviews 

With TestGorilla, you can add up to 20 custom video interview questions to each assessment. These are a great way to engage your candidates and add variety to their assessment experience while learning more about their communication skills. 

You can set a maximum length for candidates’ responses to keep them short and sweet, and later add your comments to videos to assist with the hiring process. Additionally, you can control the playback speed to watch candidates' videos at your preferred pace.

Candidates can re-record their responses up to three times, and TestGorilla logs each attempt for your records.

Interviewer.AI’s video interviews 

Asynchronous video interviews are a key feature of Interviewer.AI. Users can select from the pre-set interview questions or add their own to assess specific skills or traits. 

The platform limits the total interview time to 10 minutes to keep candidates engaged and accommodate for slower internet connections. 

The platform then uses AI to transcribe and analyze candidates’ responses and score their communication, professionalism, energy levels, and sociability. AI can transcribe responses in five languages, including English, Mandarin, and Spanish. 

Hiring managers can review video responses, or just read the transcripts, and assign their own scores. 

It’s unclear how many attempts candidates have to record their responses and whether Interviewer.AI tracks the number of attempts.

Video interviews: Comparison chart at a glance



One-way video interview



Custom video questions 



Recording of candidates’ attempts 



Restrict maximum answer length



Recording and playback on any device



Rate and comment on video answers



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Candidate experience and company branding

Providing a positive candidate experience helps engage your candidates and encourage them to complete your pre-employment testing to the best of their ability. 

An enjoyable experience is also one candidates are more likely to share with others. Coupled with adding your company branding to the assessments, creating a good candidate experience boosts your profile as an employer.

The candidate experience with TestGorilla 

We designed TestGorilla’s assessments with the candidates at the fronts of our minds. Our assessments are quick and easy to complete and candidates don’t need to create an account or log in. Candidates also receive an automatic email confirmation just after submitting an assessment. 

We also provide extensive support – including a candidate FAQ and troubleshooting page – to help candidates complete their assessments without issues. 

After candidates take assessments, they’ll be redirected to create a TestGorilla profile to review their results. (This option is currently available only for English-language test-takers.) You can also easily share candidates’ results with them yourself.

Finally, you can add your company logo and colors and a customized intro or outro video to TestGorilla assessments, reinforcing your branding and delivering a positive testing experience that candidates will remember.

The candidate experience with Interviewer.AI 

Interviewer.AI takes a candidate-first approach, with mock interviews for candidates to practice and prepare for virtual interviews. 

The platform also offers several online help articles via its help center, though many of the topics and answers are geared towards recruiter questions. It’s in the process of building a Learning Community with more interview tips for candidates. 

Interviewer.AI also gives employers the option to brand interviews and emails by adding company logos and graphics. However, it doesn’t seem that users can add custom videos to their assessments.

Candidate experience and company branding: Comparison chart at a glance



Your company’s intro or outro video



Assessments branded with your company logo and color



Customizable invitation and rejection emails



No login required for candidates






Help and support for your candidates



Typical assessment length

10-50 minutes

30 minutes or less

Qualifying questions prior to assessment



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Enterprise and startup friendliness

A pre-employment testing platform should support both small and large recruitment processes and grow with your business. 

Look out for features that help businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. These include API access, ATS integration, and compliance with GDPR. 

TestGorilla’s enterprise and startup friendliness

TestGorilla offers a scalable pre-employment testing solution. Our free forever plan is great for businesses of all sizes, offering unlimited access to five of our most popular tests. 

Equally, TestGorilla can help you with large recruitment drives. Features like bulk candidate upload and role-based user rights make it easy to manage tens or even hundreds of candidates at a time, as do various bulk actions. Our users can do the following actions in bulk: 

  • Changing candidates’ hiring stages (e.g. from “evaluated” to “invited to interview”)

  • Reminding candidates about assessments

  • Sending candidate rejections

  • Sending candidate results

Plus, with API access and ATS integration, TestGorilla seamlessly integrates with your existing tech stack to deliver a top-tier testing experience.

Interviewer.AI’s enterprise and startup friendliness 

Interviewer.AI offers several candidate invitation options that will appeal to businesses of all sizes, including via social media, online job postings, or a link in an email. 

You can bulk-add candidates to the platform via a CSV upload and invite everyone at once by sending a single shareable link. 

Interviewer.AI also lets you assign user rights according to various roles, including admins, recruiters, and hiring managers. In addition, the platform offers API access and ATS integration via ATSs like Greenhouse.

Enterprise and startup friendliness: Comparison chart at a glance



ATS integration



Multiple users and role-based rights management



GDPR compliant



Multiple candidate invitation options



Public link to invite candidates



Public links for each candidate source



Bulk invite candidates (CSV/XLSX upload)



Track candidate states from invited to hired



API access



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Quality control

You rely on pre-employment testing results to make important hiring decisions, so it’s essential that they’re accurate and reliable. 

That’s why you need to look for strong quality control measures when choosing a pre-employment testing platform, including rigorous pre-launch testing and frequent question replacement. 

TestGorilla’s quality-control processes 

TestGorilla's new quality control screenshot

TestGorilla tests are backed by science and undergo a rigorous 28-step quality control process that harnesses the expertise of psychometricians, subject-matter experts, peer reviewers, and copywriters. 

We also welcome and implement user feedback to enhance the testing experience for both customers and candidates.

What’s more, our proprietary algorithms review tests on a rolling basis to identify potential improvements. 

TestGorilla replaces questions after a certain number of uses to avoid overexposure. This means you can rely on your assessment results to help you hire the right person.

Interviewer.AI’s quality-control processes 

Interviewer.AI’s quality-control processes

Interviewer.AI’s platform relies on something called explainable, or white box, AI. Designed to be transparent, explainable AI helps users understand the technology behind it and how Interviewer.AI arrives at its conclusions.

In addition, Interviewer.AI’s WorkMap platform bases its skill sets on industrial and organizational psychology, as well as industry knowledge.

The company says its video response assessments and resume scoring have an accuracy of above 80%. Interviewer.AI constantly reviews its technology to improve accuracy. 

However, it’s unclear whether Interviewer.AI regularly replaces questions or incorporates user feedback into its quality control.

Quality control: Comparison chart at a glance



Proprietary algorithms that continuously improve quality of each test



Extensive quality checks before tests go live



Questions replaced after reaching exposure limit



Customer feedback used to improve tests



Test-taker feedback used to improve tests



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Anti-cheating measures

Candidates who cheat during pre-employment testing gain an unfair advantage over others and could even invalidate your results by skewing the data. 

Strong anti-cheating features reduce the chance of this. Look for measures like timed assessments, candidate webcam monitoring, and IP-address logging to ensure your candidates’ test results are honest and reliable. 

TestGorilla’s anti-cheating measures 

TestGorilla offers a range of security features to prevent cheating. These include disabling copy-paste and randomizing the question selection to limit the opportunity for candidates to share questions and answers. 

We also log candidates’ IP addresses during assessments to ensure that only invited candidates can complete them. 

Plus, features like 30-second webcam shots (with candidates’ permission) and full-screen mode detection effectively discourage candidates from leaving the assessment to research a question or answer. 

Finally, time limits and test deadlines also reduce the likelihood of cheating by limiting the amount of time available for candidates to seek unauthorized assistance or answers.

Interviewer.AI’s anti-cheating measures

There’s limited information available about Interviewer.AI’s anti-cheating measures. 

Its assessments are conducted during asynchronous video interviews, which require the candidate to appear on screen so recruiters can confirm their identity. 

Interviewer.AI also randomizes questions to limit the opportunity for candidates to pre-prepare their answers, and users can set time limits for the tests.

Anti-cheating measures: Comparison chart at a glance



IP-address logging (to avoid multiple attempts by the same candidate)



Logging of candidate location



Webcam snapshots (with option to turn on/off)



Full-screen mode detection (to avoid research during test)



Randomized questions per test



Large question pool for each test

Yes (100+)


Questions and answer not visible to employers to protect test integrity



Time limit on tests

Yes (typically 10 minutes)


Copy-paste disabled



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Reporting and analytics

Reporting and analytics features help you easily compare candidates and understand their performance in more detail. 

Analytics may also support onboarding and managing candidates by identifying their professional strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

TestGorilla’s reporting and analytics features 

TestGorilla's new reporting and analytics screenshot

TestGorilla provides detailed reports, including individual candidate results and an overview of all candidates applying for a role. This makes it easy to compare results using a scoring benchmark.

We’ve also introduced filters that let you compare candidates using unique factors – like their answers to your custom questions. 

In just a few clicks, you can download TestGorilla reports in PDF, CSV, or XLSX format to share with your hiring team. You can also add your own notes to aid collaboration during the hiring process. 

The candidate PDF reports are especially useful. They break down your candidates’ test results into easy-to-digest insights. For instance, the results for skills-based tests are broken down into skill areas – so you can see how well candidates performed in those areas. Results for culture add and motivation tests show you how closely candidates’ responses align with your pre-inputted responses – so you can see if they’re on the same page as you.

Interviewer.AI’s reporting and analytics features 

Interviewer.AI’s reporting and analytics features

Interviewer.AI’s results and analytics are available on its platform, as well as in downloadable reports. On the platform, users can see a thumbnail view of each candidate plus their detailed results and responses. 

Interviewer.AI also presents an overview of all candidates and ranks them automatically to identify top performers. 

WorkMap scores are available as soon as candidates complete their assessments, while video interview results take 15-30 minutes to generate.

Reporting and analytics: Comparison chart at a glance



PDF reports of assessments and individual candidates



Excel and CSV reports of assessments and individual candidates



Comprehensive overview of all current and past candidates



Scoring benchmarks for candidates (including percentile rank scoring)



Add your ratings and personal notes for candidates



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Customer support

Good customer service helps you hit the ground running, especially when using pre-employment testing for the first time. Responsive support is also essential for resolving any issues you or your candidates encounter when using the platform. 

Most providers offer at least one mode of customer support via live chat, email, or phone. 

TestGorilla’s customer support 

TestGorilla helps all new customers familiarize themselves with the platform during a free 45-minute live demo and onboarding training. This helps ensure you get the most out of your subscription. 

Customers can access TestGorilla’s customer support via email and live chat. We also have a dedicated help center with extensive customer and candidate guides, as well as answers to FAQs.

Interviewer.AI’s customer support 

Interviewer.AI offers a demo for potential customers. Users can then contact support via the chat function on the platform or search for a topic on the online help center. 

Interviewer.AI provides a generic email address and phone number on its website, but it’s unclear whether this is for customer support or general sales inquiries. 

Users on the premium plan get a dedicated account manager.

Customer support: Comparison chart at a glance



Live chat



Help center



Email support



Training and onboarding tour



TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Pricing

Most pre-employment testing platforms operate on either a monthly or annual subscription basis. These subscriptions offer an increasing number of features depending on the price. 

Other platforms operate on a per-test or per-candidate pricing model. Some offer free trials or free plans giving users access to basic features. 

TestGorilla’s pricing 

TestGorilla's new pricing screenshot

TestGorilla offers three affordable pricing plans, and businesses of all sizes can choose any plan. 

  • Free forever at $0: Five free tests, five custom questions, the ability to invite unlimited candidates, and the option to post open roles on our job board

  • Starter from $75 USD per month: Everything in the Free plan and more – access to all tests, unlimited assessments, and more custom question types 

  • Pro from $115 USD per month: Everything in the Starter plan and more – custom tests, coding challenges, video questions, custom branding, and ATS integrations 

The pricing of the two paid plans scales with the size of your company. We determine your company’s size by looking at the number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) at your organization. For example, two part-time employees whose combined work time adds up to full-time hours “equal” one FTE. 

Here’s what this scaling looks like: Businesses with 16-30 FTSs pay $165 per month for our Pro plan, while businesses with 31-50 FTEs pay $310 per month. 

Businesses with 15 FTEs or fewer must purchase an annual plan, while businesses with more can opt to pay monthly. 

We also offer a free trial.

Interviewer.AI’s pricing

Interviewer.AI’s pricing

Interviewer.AI’s pricing model works on a per-credit basis, where one credit equals one video assessment. 

Users can purchase between 50 and 3000 credits for fixed amounts. The number of credits you purchase determines your plan. Here are the plans:  

  • Starter plan: Begins at 50 credits, which cost $350. Offers 1-10 job interviews plus video assessments. Includes WorkMap assessments

  • Growth plan: Begins at 1,000 credits, which cost $5,500. Offers 11-50 job interviews plus video assessments. Includes WorkMap assessments

  • Premium plan: 3,000 credits, which cost $13,500. Offers 55-100 job interviews plus video assessments. Includes WorkMap assessments

  • Enterprise plan: Available for companies who want to purchase 3,000+ credits.

Credits expire after one year.

Interviewer.AI also offers a 14-day free trial. 

New users also get 10 free credits, which expire after 10 days. 

Pricing: Comparison chart at a glance




Price (billed annually)





50 credits


75 credits



From $75 USD per month (1-15 FTEs, $900 per year paid upfront)

The pay monthly plan (available for companies with more than 15 FTEs) starts from $85 USD per month

100 credits

$850 yearly

150 credits



From $115 USD per month (1-15 FTEs, $1,380 per year paid upfront) 

The pay monthly plan (available for companies with more than 15 FTEs) starts from $130 USD per month

500 credits


1,000 credits


2,000 credits


3,000 credits


TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI: Ease of use

Your pre-employment tests should be easy to use for both your hiring team and candidates. This encourages candidates to complete your assessments and helps your hiring team quickly create, send, and interpret assessments. 

Keep an eye out for features like easy navigation, straightforward test creation, and a user-friendly interface. 

TestGorilla’s ease of use

Customers love TestGorilla’s simplicity and ease of use. With an intuitive user interface and clear navigation menus, TestGorilla makes it easy to set up and send out an assessment in minutes.

It’s also straightforward to track candidates throughout the recruitment process via our quick overview page. 

TestGorilla is equally straightforward and convenient for candidates to use, with short assessments, clear instructions, and a mobile-friendly platform. 

Why TestGorilla excels in candidate screening

Find out what sets TestGorilla apart in hiring. Sign up for our free plan and access comprehensive tools for effective candidate screening.

Professional man pointing to the sign up for a free for a TestGorilla account

Interviewer.AI’s ease of use

Interviewer.AI’s key features are easy to navigate. That said, finding information on the site can sometimes be difficult.  

Still, users find Interviewer.AI straightforward to use with a clean interface.

Conclusion: TestGorilla vs. Interviewer.AI 

Both TestGorilla and Interviewer.AI use video features to conduct pre-employment testing that enhances the candidate experience. 

Both platforms offer tests to assess candidates’ soft skills and general skill sets. However, with over 400+ tests covering a wider range of skills, including technical tests for developers, TestGorilla comes out on top. 

What’s more, TestGorilla offers extensive quality-control measures to continually improve its tests in addition to our strong anti-cheating measures. This means you can rely on your results to make important hiring decisions.

Overall, TestGorilla’s wide range of customizable features and completely free plan make it a stand-out choice for your pre-employment testing. 

Streamline your hiring process with pre-employment testing 

Pre-employment testing is the ideal way to streamline your recruitment process and make better, bias-free hiring decisions. By finding the right person for the job, you can reduce employee turnover, saving your business time and money. 

As an affordable, top-rated pre-employment testing platform, TestGorilla is the perfect choice for your business. To find out more about our feature-rich platform, contact us for a free 45-minute live demo with a member of our friendly sales team.

If you’re ready to crack on and give it a try, you can also sign up for a free plan from TestGorilla today.


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Free resources

Anti-cheating checklist

This checklist covers key features you should look for when choosing a skills testing platform

Onboarding checklist

This resource will help you develop an onboarding checklist for new hires.

How to find candidates with strong attention to detail

How to assess your candidates' attention to detail.

How to get HR certified

Learn how to get human resources certified through HRCI or SHRM.

Improve quality of hire

Learn how you can improve the level of talent at your company.

Case study
Case study: How CapitalT reduces hiring bias

Learn how CapitalT reduced hiring bias with online skills assessments.

Resume screening guide

Learn how to make the resume process more efficient and more effective.

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Important recruitment metrics

Improve your hiring strategy with these 7 critical recruitment metrics.

Case study
Case study: How Sukhi reduces shortlisting time

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