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Measure your Ftp Server Developer candidates on job skills, personality and fit



The DISC test is based on the model developed by psychologist William Marston for behavioral assessment. It classifies how we express emotions into the four behavior types of DISC: dominance (D), influence (I), steadiness (S), and conscientiousness (C).
10 min

Culture Add

This Culture Add test assesses how a candidate’s values and behaviors align with your organization values and the behaviors that would make your ideal hire successful in a specific role, based on a customized survey you fill out.
10 min

PHP (Coding): Intermediate-Level Algorithms

This PHP test evaluates candidates’ coding skills through a short coding assignment. The test requires candidates to write code that meets certain requirements, and candidates can run their code to test if the result matches their expectations.
35 min

SQLite (Coding): Intermediate-Level Querying

This SQLite coding test evaluates candidates’ skills in creating a query on a database with medium complexity. It immerses the candidate in a realistic scenario, and solving it requires intermediate SQLite querying skills.
30 min

Critical Thinking

This online Critical Thinking screening test evaluates candidates’ skills in critical thinking through inductive and deductive reasoning problems. This pre-employment skills test will help you identify candidates who can evaluate information and make sound judgments using analytical skills.
12 min


This CSS test assesses candidates’ ability to solve problems commonly encountered in a front-end development context. This screening test will help you hire CSS experts who can deliver visually captivating web experiences.
10 min

C++ (Coding): Language-Specific Concepts

This C++ coding test evaluates candidates’ programming skills, and specifically their ability to use C++ to solve common (software) development problems. This test will help you identify and hire mid-level C++ developers.
30 min


This HTML5 skills test assesses candidates’ knowledge and ability in HTML5. This pre-employment screening test helps you identify candidates who have a strong knowledge of HTML5 and can use it effectively to develop websites and web applications.
10 min

Attention to Detail (Textual)

This Attention to Detail pre-hire skills test evaluates candidates’ ability to pay attention to textual detail while processing information. The attention to detail (textual) test helps companies identify candidates who can thoroughly and carefully handle intricate processes using analytical skills.
10 min

JavaScript (Coding): Entry-Level Algorithms

This online JavaScript coding test assesses a candidate’s ability to program a small algorithm in JavaScript, testing their basic programming skills. This skills test will help you identify developers with the most essential JavaScript skills. A subject matter expert has designed the test to screen candidates objectively. You can send this online JavaScript coding assessment to your prospective job applicants and screen them thoroughly before inviting them to an interview.
15 min


Rooted in Oldham & Hackman’s Job Characteristics Model, this online Motivation test measures the extent to which your candidates’ expectations align with your job offer, based on a customized survey that you and the candidate both fill out.
15 min

Numerical reasoning

This Numerical Reasoning test evaluates candidates’ general aptitude with numbers and their skill in interpreting them for a wide range of applications. This test will help you identify candidates with strong numerical skills.
10 min

C# (Coding): Entry-Level Algorithms

This C# coding test assesses candidates’ ability to program a small algorithm in C#, testing their basic programming skills. Using a short and straightforward coding task, this test helps you identify developers with the most essential C# skills.
15 min

C# (Coding): Data Structures

This C# coding test evaluates candidates’ abilities with data structures. The test gives candidates 30 minutes to solve a problem leveraging C# language constructs. This test will help you hire mid-level C# developers.
30 min

C# (Coding): Debugging

This C# (Coding): Debugging test evaluates candidates’ ability to interpret C# code and debug it based on a set of requirements. The test gives candidates 30 minutes to read through the requirements and fix a partially working script.
30 min

C (Coding): Language-Specific Concepts

This C coding test evaluates a candidate's procedural programming skills, as well as their ability to use pointers, references, and manage memory. This test will help you identify and hire mid-level C developers.
30 min

C (Coding): Entry-Level Algorithms

This online C coding test assesses a candidate’s ability to program a small algorithm in C, testing their basic programming skills. Using a short and straightforward coding task, this test helps you identify developers with the most essential C skills.
15 min

Clean Code

Clean code is the hallmark of a quality software engineer. Clean code can be the difference between wasting thousands on a project versus doing it right the first time. This screening test validates an engineer’s ability to write easy to maintain code.
10 min

PHP (coding): Entry-Level Algorithms

This PHP test assesses a candidate’s ability to program a small algorithm and tests their basic programming skills. Using a short and straightforward coding task, this coding test helps you identify developers with the most essential PHP skills.
15 min

Java (Coding): Entry-Level Algorithms

This Java online test assesses entry-level candidates’ basic programming skills and evaluates their ability to program a small algorithm in Java. This candidate skills test uses a short and straightforward coding task to help you identify developers with the most essential Java skills.
15 min