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Hire smarter not harder. We bring you the best advice and guides on talent assessments, skills-based hiring technology, and remote work.

10 Essential Skills For An Assistant Manager featured image

10 essential skills for assistant manager

Ever found yourself sifting through resumes for an assistant manager and feeling like you're looking for a needle in a haystack?  The thing is, it isn’t about finding someone with the “right” experience – skills matter more than experience in this role. The exact skills you’re looking for will vary wildly based on industry. But, that doesn’t mean you're destined to wander in the dark.  Understanding the skill set required for assistant managers is key to finding that perfect candidate. Whether y

Sales manager job description Key skills and traits featured image

Sales manager job description: Key skills and traits

Finding the right person to lead your sales team – those directly responsible for generating revenue for your company – is no small feat. Your sales manager drives new business, manages key relationships, and trains the sales team to achieve the best outcomes. You can’t afford to make a bad hire.  Hiring the best person for the job starts by identifying the right sales manager skills and compiling them into a comprehensive job description. This guide helps you craft the best sales manager job de

essential skills for cyber security analyst featured image

16 essential skills for a cybersecurity analyst

Every day brings new cyber threats, each scarier than the last. These pose serious risks to businesses and their data. The safeguard? A sharp cybersecurity analyst. But picking the right analyst isn't always easy because they need a mix of skills to keep your systems safe.  If you're unsure about what this mix of skills looks like, you might hire an analyst who’s missing some essential skills. Then, your company might end up vulnerable to cyber-attacks, data leaks, and the costly messes they bri

12 essential skills for project manager featured image

12 essential skills for project manager

Project managers really have their hands full. They have to deal with tight resources and surprise problems, keep everyone in the loop, and make sure projects stay on track. It's clear they need a special set of skills – and some smart planning – to handle all this. But figuring out exactly what this special set of skills is can be tricky. No worries – we can help. In this article, we'll dissect the core skills every project manager should have – and show you how to assess project management ski

8 Essential Skills for Account Managers featured image

8 essential skills for account manager

On the hunt for a strong account manager? Well, you’ve got your hands full.  Account managers do so much for your clients and your internal team. Their task list is enormous, and they need the right skills to balance their everyday to-dos.  If you don't find a candidate with strong account manager skills, you risk losing clients and harming your brand’s reputation – and your revenue growth could take a hit. Rest assured, we’re here to help you avoid that! Our guide breaks down eight essential s


8 essential skills for financial analyst

When it comes to financial analysts, telling the difference between a real pro and someone who’s just winging it can be tough. That's why it’s key to know the skills a truly great financial analyst has. This way, you can write job ads that grab the attention of the best candidates and make smarter hiring choices. After all, picking the wrong person to handle your business’s financial decisions can be costly and risky. Don't stress, though. We've put together a simple guide to show you the essent

How to adopt skills-based hiring: 6 tips for success (and 3 things to avoid)

I’ve been helping people implement skills-based hiring with TestGorilla for over 2 years now, and recently someone asked me which questions come up the most during onboarding calls. If we’re being literal about it, then the most common question I get asked during a call is “How are you?”, but if pleasantries didn’t count, it would be, “What are your recommended best practices?”  Consider this blog post a culmination of all the times I’ve answered that question. Read on to learn about the steps I

essential skills for program manager featured image

7 essential skills for program managers

Program managers have a lot on their plates. They need to juggle big-picture business goals with the nitty-gritty of daily tasks, while also dealing with stakeholders and making sure their team is on track. If they slip up, they can miss objectives, strain partnerships, and steer your projects into chaos. Plus, the costs of hiring the wrong person can bring extra headaches. But the right program manager can help your projects run smoother, meet deadlines, and make sure your projects are in top-n

What are the psychometric properties of talent assessments?

With good opportunities everywhere, in-demand candidates don’t want to wait to hear back. In fact, 62% of job seekers lose interest in a job if they don’t get a response from recruiters within two weeks, according to a Robert Half survey. So, how do you hire faster without overlooking important details? The solution is simple – ditch resumes and embrace talent assessments.  To do so, you need to find reliable tests with the right psychometric properties. This article examines the definition of p

Top 7 analytical skills interview questions and why they matter featured image

Top 7 analytical skills interview questions and why they matter

Employees with analytical skills bring major benefits to your business by making data-driven decisions, offering critical insights, and solving complex issues. You want to determine if a candidate has good analytical skills before you hire them, but assessing these skills through resumes and job interviews can be difficult. You can accurately assess this skill set by: Focusing on the right interview questions to determine analytical skills Using pre-employment skills tests to gain hard data on t

9 essential skills for property manager featured image

9 essential skills for property manager

Property managers wear many hats. They juggle everything from maintaining properties to collecting rent, managing tenants, and helping out owners. The stakes are high, and hiring the wrong person can mean unwanted property issues, unhappy tenants, and – worst of all – financial losses.  Unfortunately, this happens more often than you think. Finding someone who can step up to the challenge and handle all those responsibilities? It’s not easy.  Luckily, we’re here to sort you out. In this guide, w

9 key negotiation skills (and how to assess them)

9 key negotiation skills (and how to assess them)

Negotiation skills are one of the pillars of a high-performing workforce. Whether it’s closing a lucrative deal or resolving conflicts in the team, the art of negotiation is indispensable.  You need to hire people who bring effective negotiation skills to the table – and resumes can’t find them. Let’s look at nine negotiating skills useful for difficult conversations and constructive interactions. We also discuss talent assessments, which are the best way to evaluate and build these vital skills

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