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How to assess time-management skills

How to assess time-management skills


In today’s fast-paced business landscape, employees who can independently manage their time and meet deadlines are more valuable than ever.

Team members with strong time-management skills help ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. They also require less individual attention from managers, who can focus instead on strategy, leadership, motivation, and success. 

Furthermore, employees with good time-management skills are better able to handle multiple tasks at once, resulting in a more productive and agile workforce. 

However, it can be difficult to assess these skills based on an interview or, worse yet, a simple resume. And while you can teach time-management skills such as critical thinking and adaptability, you’ll save time and company resources by hiring somebody who’s already good at it.

In this article, we explain what skills and traits to look for in candidates with good time-management skills and how best to assess them.

What is a time management assessment?

A time management assessment evaluates all the different skills that are necessary for good time management. These include independence, organization, self-motivation, situational judgment, problem-solving, and effective communication. 

Typically, applicants are presented with a variety of workplace challenges and asked to make the best decision to resolve the issue quickly and effectively. 

They’re assessed on their ability to prioritize tasks based on urgency, importance, and impact and assign reasonable timeframes to their work. Applicants will also need to demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and collaborate well with others.

A time management assessment will help you determine which candidates can plan, prioritize, and complete their tasks effectively within a set timeframe. 

Why are time-management skills important?

Employees with good time management contribute to successful business outcomes in several ways. They help:

Increase productivity

Employees with good time management skills can efficiently organize their short-term and long-term tasks, and ensure the most important ones get done fast.

They’re less likely to become distracted or distract others, and their ability to solve problems and stay motivated when faced with challenges also helps reduce delays.

Additionally, good time management involves setting clear goals and making accurate judgments on how long a task will take. This gives employees a clear vision of what to do when. It also helps reduce stress – which, in turn, prevents procrastination and burnout.

Reduce costs and boost your bottom line

As mentioned, employees with good time management complete tasks more quickly and spend less time on unproductive activities. This results in lower labor costs, as it reduces the need for overtime.

The ability to consistently meet deadlines also ensures workflows move forward smoothly. This is especially important in situations where employees must work together to serve customers. A single disorganized employee can hold up an entire team or department, causing costs to skyrocket. 

Boost innovation and creativityGive your company more opportunities

Employees who manage their workload well have more time to focus on being innovative. Innovation means finding new, better ways to do things. It’s essential to business success, especially in competitive markets. 

Furthermore, while creativity and disorganization sometimes go hand in hand, savvy business leaders know that creative ideas are just one piece of the puzzle. Equally as important is the ability to nurture that idea into a new process or product. This requires concentration, patience, and motivation – all hallmarks of good time management. 

Organized individuals can efficiently complete the tasks assigned to them.

As a result, they have more time to focus energy on innovation and creativity. It also offers them more time to focus on career development and professional goals.

Improve employee satisfaction and retention

A 2022 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that, as employees’ workload increased, so too did their level of stress. examined stress among healthcare workers and found that when workloads increased, so did stress and cortisol levels. However, employees with good time management can prioritize tasks and work methodically through heavy workloads, helping to shield them from stress. 

That isn’t to say that you should burden employees with heavy workloads just because they can manage them. Eventually, even skilled workers will succumb to burnout. Productivity drops and turnover increases. 

But it does mean that, in times of peak activity and urgency, employees can better manage a temporary uplift in work without it having a dramatic impact on their mental health. 

Finally, efficient workers will have more time and energy to focus on career development and professional goals, which both lead to improved satisfaction. 

Maintain a better work-life balance

Everyone needs to be able to switch off from work. Good time management skills usually extend beyond a person’s professional life and into their personal lives. Employees who can manage their time well at work will have an easier time achieving a good work-life balance

They’re less likely to fall behind on their work, and thus less likely to have to work overtime or stay late. 

Plus, they’re typically more skilled at dedicating time to professional and personal activities, which prevents them from bleeding into each other. Setting clear boundaries and adhering to schedules is second-nature to good time managers. 

Better customer service and client satisfaction

Customers today expect instant results and ‌quick, effective service. They’re less likely to miss important client deadlines and will respond promptly to inquiries or requests. They’re also more likely to deliver on your company’s commitments. 

All of this means employees with good time-management skills make for happier customers, which means more repeat business and better testimonials.

What skills and traits are important for employees with good time management?

Good time management is itself a collection of skills. Consider each of the following when assessing candidates for time management. And don’t forget to cover these skills early on in your job description (pro tip: check out this assistant director template for more guidance).

Problem solving

Dealing with obstacles when they arise is an important part of time management. Workers who are easily thrown off by everyday challenges will have a hard time staying focused and productive. 

Problem-solving skills enable workers to define a problem, brainstorm and research a variety of solutions, and decide on the best one for the situation.


Self-motivated individuals tend to be more focused. They demonstrate independent goal-setting and personal accountability, both of which are critical for managing one’s time and prioritizing tasks. Likewise, they’re less likely to procrastinate, become overwhelmed with too many tasks, or lose sight of their professional goals. 

On the flip side, individuals who need more direction and attention may not make effective use of their time when left to their own devices.

What skills and traits are important for employees with good time management graphic

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze a challenge or situation from multiple angles and make use of existing data to formulate and test hypotheses. It requires a logical, well-organized mind. 

Critical thinkers are betterCritical thinking means being able to find answers to challenges that can get in the way of high-quality work. They excel at prioritizing tasks and making informed decisions about how best to use their time. Staying productive means knowing what to focus on next, which requires careful analysis of the situation. 


Being well-organized means having a practical, simple solution for keeping track of information and tasks. That usually means not relying on memory alone. Writing down ideas and using lists, schedules, and calendars to organize tasks and assign timeframes ensures employees don’t misplace information or forget about important deadlines. 

Good organization also extends to the physical world. A tidy workspace is less of a distraction. Good time managers often have a well-kept, clean workspace where they can work effectively and efficiently. 


Adaptability is the ability to change as working conditions or needs shift. Adaptable workers can quickly reevaluate their gameplan, reallocate time and resources, and make necessary adjustments to stay on track. 

On the other hand, workers who struggle to shift focus may see their careful planning go out the window as everyday challenges arise. 


For managers, the ability to delegate tasks is especially important. Leaders who try to do everything usually fail spectacularly. Good time management for managers often boils down to knowing what to assign to whom and what to take on yourself. 

But even employees benefit from the ability to delegate tasks that aren’t well-suited to their skillset. So long as the manager is kept informed, a team that can shuffle tasks dynamically is invaluable. 

It’s important to evaluate candidates for their ability to leverage tasks. This includes finding individuals who can evaluate a list of tasks and identify the ones that someone else can do more effectively. 

Organized individuals delegate tasks that wouldn’t be the best use of their time. This frees them up to focus on the work they can fulfill most effectively.


Good communication includes the ability to clearly express yourself verbally and in writing and to understand instructions, work orders, briefs, and other information. Good time management doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Employees need to be able to communicate their needs and progress and collaborate with others. 

Proper communication also reduces misunderstandings, distractions, duplication of work, and all manner of delays. 

It’s important to evaluate communication skills when looking for a good time manager.  Organized workers are those who can interpret information correctly and start work right away. 


Technology can be a huge time-saver, so you’ll want to test proficiency in word processing, graphics, AI tools, content management software, video conferencing, and other tech.

Employees who use these tools efficiently can accomplish more because many of these platforms have features that automate tasks or enable work to be completed faster. 

Skills and traits tests 

TestGorilla makes it easy to find candidates who are efficient and organized. Our library of more than 300 pre-employment tests enables you to create a tailored assessment in minutes. 

You can measure a candidate’s time-management capabilities, plus all the associated skills and traits. You can also evaluate culture add fit, personality, cognitive ability, job-specific skills, and more, giving you a full picture of every applicant.

Creating an assessment is simple. TestGorilla recommends relevant tests based on the role you’re hiring for, and you can select the skills you want to evaluate and customize your assessment.

Here are a few test options to check out from our extensive test library:

Time Management test

TestGorilla’s expertly created Time Management test evaluates situational judgment and how well candidates use their time at work. Using workplace scenarios, this test asks questions that measures how well applicants can organize, plan, prioritize, and complete tasks.

This is the cornerstone test for all managers to use when assessing a candidate‘s time-management skills.

Leadership and People Management test

The Leadership and People Management test measures how well candidates can lead and manage others, including how effectively they can delegate tasks, provide timely help, and motivate others.

Candidates who score well on this test know how to work with colleagues to make sure projects are completed on time. It’s best for employees who will be delegating and working closely with others in a management, leadership, or supervisory role.

Critical Thinking test

TestGorilla’s Critical Thinking test determines how effectively candidates can think independently, understand cause and effect, evaluate information, and make good judgments.

Being able to make decisions and think clearly is important for good time management, and talented candidates will carefully consider problems or tasks and work to find the most efficient and appropriate solutions.

Computer Literacy tests

Our Computer Literacy (Mac) test and Computer Literacy (PC) test measure how well candidates can navigate the two most popular operating systems today. 

These tests determine if applicants can proficiently use the internet and email, as well as manage files and folders and complete basic computer tasks. Computer literacy isn’t a cornerstone of good time management, but it certainly helps.

You can combine the computer literacy test with other relevant tests to evaluate your candidate’s knowledge of role-specific software. This way, you can measure whether your new hire will know time-saving shortcuts and features.

Problem Solving test

The Problem Solving test evaluates how effectively candidates can define and resolve a problem. It also assesses their ability to make and edit schedules, apply logic, and prioritize tasks.

Candidates who perform well in this test are ready to analyze different kinds of information and reach informed conclusions, enabling them to work effectively despite unexpected challenges. 

This test is best for applicants whose work is nonrepetitive and requires adaptability. 

Communication test

Our Communication test ensures candidates can understand written and verbal instructions, enabling them to gather all the details necessary to complete tasks. 

Applicants are evaluated on their ability to clearly define a workflow, interpret non-verbal cues, and summarize information efficiently.

Candidates who score well on this test can collect and use the information they need, share feedback, and communicate with others about deadlines and tasks.

How TestGorilla can help you find the right employee with time-management skills

Good time-management skills enable employees to make the most of each workday. 

The trouble lies in finding talented individuals who are not only great at their job but also organized and efficient. 

TestGorilla’s library of more than 300 tests developed by subject-matter experts lets you create custom assessments tailored specifically to your open role. They enable you to objectively measure time management, communication, and other related skills to hire the right candidate for the job.

Creating your first assessment takes minutes, even if you’ve never worked with pre-employment screening software before.

To get started, sign up for TestGorilla’s free plan today. Whether you’re hiring a developer, sales rep, engineer, artist, or anyone else, we can help you find someone who brings their A-game.


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